Asha's Big Day

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Asha wakes up with the first rays of sunshine coming out of the window hitting her eyes.

she blinks a few times as things start coming into focus.

The room she’s in is not the same we saw her in the opening with Sabino, it’s a rustic bedroom with a more detailed built to it.

with wood carvings that resemble animals on the walls and furniture, including on a bed next to Asha’s with the name “Dahlia” carved on it.

Also there’s way less of Asha’s drawing hanging on the walls, just a few of her favorite ones.

One in particular it’s a drawing of her and Dahlia together, although,
Asha’s face doesn’t look exactly how she really is in real life,
she still needs more practice with self portraits.

Asha stretches her arms and yawns, waking up a little someone on a little bed next to hers.

And from the tiny bedsheets comes out a baby goat that quickly jumps to her lap excitedly bleating and licking her cheeks

“Heheheh good morning to you too, Valentino” she says as she hugs him.

"Did you sleep well?" she asks as if the goat could answer, and sure enough, he does

"Beehh! Beeeh!" the baby goat bleats shaking his head positively
"That's good I'm glad, I slept well too... Although, I had the weirdest dream"

"I can't remember much but... I think I saw a boy, made of light, and he was trying to tell me something, I couldn't understand what it was… but I feel like he was asking me to not give away something, something important… Weird, right?"

She asks her baby goat, who's too busy munching her blanket to pay attention, since ya know, baby's short attention span.


"Yeah, I guess it's just as weird as the fact I ask for advice from a goat hihih"  She giggles to herself as she takes the blanket off his mouth, Valentino hops out of the bed jumping around and falling over

Asha looks at her pet fondly and chuckles a little with his little jumps. But then her smile lessens a bit and she looks out her window, from there she can see the castle, imposing and radiant in the distance.

"Today really is the day huh?..." She says softly, with a hint of both anxiousness but also hopefulness in her voice.

Today's was Asha first interview as The King's Apprentice.

Even she doesn't want too, she was chosen by the King.

She was nervous but in her heart she knows she can do this. She just needs trust herself, and let it flow. Like her Saba said...

Then she remember something.
"Alright Valentino, let's go to tour the people around Rosas" She said Happly, Valentino hopping happly.
Then Asha look at the clock "oh! Shot, C'mon Valentino!"
Then Asha grab a flag with the symbol of Rosas, and grabs Valentino.

[Scene change to Asha and Valentino ran to the living room, until she stops at the kitchen to find Dahlia is cooking]

Her best friend and doctor Dahlia, stirring the mixture for making something delicious

"Hey Asha, where are you going this morning? Touring the people?"

"Oh you know it, oh and interview the king! Ugh I don't what to say!!"

"Woah calm down Asha, don't worry everything is going to be alright. Just trust yourself and everything's is going to be alright."

"Ok, hey...wait where are the other's?"

"Oh well, they got in the castle first. I decided to wait for you waking up"

"Oh you didn't have to do it. Your gonna be late, with the others!"

"Oh well I don't mind at all I'm your friend, Asha. me and the others will always be there for you [Grabs a cookie to Asha] here you need a lot energy "

Asha accept the cookie

"Hehe...thanks Dahlia [eats the cookie] oh, my gosh this is good!"

"Hihi. And you too Valentino "

Then Valentino wants some and Asha takes a a little crack on the cookie and give it to Valentino. Valentino is happy

"Hehe you know me I'm the cooker for the Royals!"

"What about you Dahlia? Aren't you coming?"

"I'II be right behind you, I'II meet you again at the Royal Kitchen, with the others"

"Alright Dahlia! See you"

[Asha grabs Valentino and rush to go outside]

"I wouldn't miss it!" Dahlia said in prepared

[Asha going outside with Valentino from her home to the Kingdom]
"I've got a good feeling about this!"
Asha said excitedly.

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