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Niśchitārtham >•
Niśchitārtham means "engagement". The two families meet to perform rituals to make the engagement official. A muhūrtaṃ (auspicious date & time) for the wedding is decided based on their horoscopes. The Telugu people generally avoid the months or a time period where Aashaadham, Bhadrapadam and Shunya maasam occurs, because they are considered inauspicious for the ceremonies. The couple are then blessed by elders of both families, and are given gifts including jewelry and clothing by their new family. During this ceremony, the bride's future mother-in-law presents her with clothes, gold and also silverware.

Pelli Koduku/ Kuthuru and Kurallu >•
In this ceremony, all the relatives and well-wishers gather at the bride and groom's respective houses and they smear Nalugu- a mixture of turmeric, flour and oils, as per the muhurtham (auspicious time) on the bride/ groom. This is done to cleanse their skin, so that it radiates a natural glow after they bathe. After this the bride/ groom and their Thodi Pellikuthuru/ Thodi Pellikoduku take Mangala Snanam (holy shower) followed by Hārati. Henceforth, the bride is told not to go out of town until the actual wedding ceremony.

Maṅgala Snānaṃ>•
The wedding day starts with Maṅgaḷa Snānaṃ custom, where the bride and groom are required to take an auspicious bath. The aim is to purify them and make them prepared to perform sacred rites. This bath is called Abhyangana Snānam. They are given a new set of clothing to wear and are blessed that everything goes by well in the preparation ahead.

Mangala Aarti or Hārati >•
After Mangala Snanam, the family members perform Aarti. They pray for the bride and groom to be granted the wisdom to lead their lives happily

Gauri Pūja >•
Before the wedding ceremony, the bride performs the Gowri pooja, conducted at her house with all her family members and relatives. It is during this time that Pravara a ritual of changing the bride's gotram (clan) from her paternal gotram to that of the groom, is performed. Elderly couples from both families are required to attend and witness the Pravara while the bride is performing Gauri Pūja

Groom Entry- Edurukolu and Kāśī Yātra >•
On the arrival of groom and his family to the wedding venue, the bride's parents and family receive and welcome them with a spectacular gaiety amidst traditional music of Nadaswaram. This ritual is called Edurukolu.
the groom is eligible for higher studies and eligible to go to Kashi and study further or become a Sanyasi. However, as a pre-wedding ceremony, the groom pretends to go to Kashi and says that he has discarded the worldly pleasures (such as marriage, relations and properties) and is no longer interested in leading a family life. He is then stopped by the brother (or cousin) of the bride, who persuades him to assume the responsibility of a household or Grihastha and return to the mandapam for marriage.

Ganēśa Puja>•
The wedding ceremony begins with the groom performing the Ganesha pooja, at the maṇḍapaṃ. These rituals are to ward off any evil and obstacles henceforth and to receive blessings for the bride & groom union.

Bride's Entry and Terasala>•
The maternal uncle and aunt, escort the bride to the mandap either in a Pallaku or walk with an intricately decorated canopy, while the priest recites the holy mantras in the background. They sit across each other with a partition Terasala made by a curtain being placed between the bride and the groom (to prevent them from looking at each other at that time).

Kanyādānaṃ is the ceremony in which the girl's family hands over their daughter's responsibility to the groom. During the ceremony, the bride's parents wash the groom's feet, as the bridegroom is considered a personification of "Lord Vishnu" who has come to marry their daughter, who is considered as "Devi Lakshmi". This is the most noble act a father can perform.

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