Alive ?

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Jin's whole world was crushed into million pieces when he saw jimin and yoongi all drenched in blood laying on the stretcher lifeless.

"Yoongiiii ............................ Jimin noooooooooooooo"

Get the OPT ready fastttttttttttttttt" jin screamed

In 10 years of his career he felt for the first time that his legs and hands are visibly shaking and trembling. He felt weak for the first time. He told his assistant doctor to call Namjoon and tell him about it immediately.

In the opt

The nurses helped jin to quickly change into a long gown a mask and surgery cap. Jin and soobin were now dressed they were now headed towards the two rooms or stretchers in the opt these two dr or surgeons were best in whole korea.

Soobin operated on jimin

⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️Contains surgical processes if you are uncomfortable you can skip ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

Jin quickly told the nurses to show him the x ray scan reports of yoongi to him. He tried to cover up his shaking hands he examined the reports scanning quickly through it he noticed the last two of his ribs were broken and now the pierced through Yoongi's liver. he was constantly lossing soo much blood so jin made quick action and asked the nurses to give yoongi a shot of medicine that could numb that certain area of his body so that he can work on it. Jin rubbed the area gently with cotton that was dipped in alcohol cleaning the area slightly the nurse handed him over the sharpe blade to cut through his skin jin placed the sharp object against his pale skin.

His mind went through all of memories with yoongi how he met him and his cute little curious questions how his body fits in everyone's hands how he made the dark boring life of kim family a perfect complete and colorful life full of hope.
His thoughts were cutted off by a senior nurse violently petting his shoulders.

Then reality hits him the nurse asked jin if he is okay he was just not in a condition to answer so he just nodded while his hands professionally sliced the skin to open up.

He was sweating badly his eyes were filled with tears but he held them in place and forced himself to deal with this like a professional surgeon. He knew his one slight slip of hand or a mistake can take his brother's life or atleast can risk it and he can't afford such big damage so he pushed through it.

The nurses were wiping the sweat off his forehead and handing him the surgical equipments. They never saw the perfect professional Mr Kim Soekjin ever shaking or sweating this badly during any surgery no matter how much complex it was but today was different.

With Rest of Kim family

Namjoon came running inside the mansion actually he was in his office but came to mansion on receiving the call he was panting badly he told the rest of family about the accident everyone froze to their place but they all quickly rushed to the hospital.

On reaching the hospital they all were waiting outside the opt Gk was also there he acted soo well that no one suspected him he acted all in grief he was just sad bcz he had to risk jimin's life.

They all were restless jk and mrs kim was crying while the rest comforted them but they basically all were equally scared they just prayed to God for their brothers health.

With jin .....

The surgery was doing quite well until suddenly yoongi started to lose heartbeats jin was stressing badly he knew that he won't be able to live or persue his jobe if he doesn't save his brother and what he fears the most happened the meter that was showing slight uneven lines was all straight now. The nurses were shocked bcz its the first case that Dr or senior most surgeon Mr Kim Seokjin ever lost.

Jin started hyperventilating he slapped Yoongi's cheeks hardly multiple times he started yelling and screaming at the lifeless body on the stretcher of the opt

" Yoongi you can't leave us like that yoongi you broke your promise you broke our heart yoongi"

I promise i will give you what you want i will never spank you nor stop you from eating too much sweets plssssss just come back

With this he started to do the crp the nurses tried to stop him but soobin came in and told them to leave him alone he needs time.
After 1hour :10 minutes of shouting and crp

Soobin was about to stop jin bcz its of no use to abuse an innocent soul.

" He already left us pls jinnah stop you are hurting his body". Said soobin
But he stopped when he saw that the straight line is now uneven again meaning the meter was now reading pulses of heartbeat even though they were weak but still it meant the sign of life.

Soobin's eyes widened he never saw a case where 1hr :10 min dead person returned to life. He couldn't believe what he saw how can someone win a lost war. Wow

Jin was all in tears but suddenly his body couldn't take anymore and he fainted but soobin was fast enough to catch him. He knew that jin is tired from all the shift and now this biggest stress so he laid him down on a near by bed and asked the nurse to put a glucose iv so that he can get some energy.

Soobin took over and now he was with yoongi he told kim family that jimin and yoongi are out of danger and jimin will wake up in 12 hours but for yoongi aa he almost died his organ had a major affect bcz of his heartbeats stopped for almost 1 hour soo yeah it would have an affect on him badly he gave him few muscles relaxers.

Mrs kim cried her heart out again and namjoon comforted her.

Yoongi was shifted to a normal ward but still attached to mechines that could support his weak heart and lungs to be in a normal.An oxygen mask to make him breath evenly.

Gk was silent all the times but his plan failed so he was on a next plan called plan B. He was all acting sad and gloomy to avoid being in a spot light of suspension.

Once the family was divided few with yoongi few with jimin and Mr kim with jin Gk got out of hospital and made a quick phone call.

On call

Otp " sir i tried my best but I'm really sorry sir pls give me a chance"

Gk: " seriously you got job that you didn't do well too so now i will decide your fate later from now on work on plan B and make sure he doesn't make it this time i want that yoongi dead you understand and well i will tell you about the place later................"

How could you do that to your own grandsons...........

To be continued.................

Rose 🥀

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