Chapter Thirteen: Mutiny and Overthrow

Start from the beginning

Shouts and yells erupted from the squad all over the gymnasium before it merged into one huge screaming riot. 

Carmen blew her whistle loudly, resulting in the whole squad being silent. 

"You all have made your point. April, will you come here please?" 

I reluctantly made my way towards the front of the squad and stood under Carmen as she was standing on top of one of the bleachers. She jumped down and took off her whistle before putting it around my neck. She then picked up her clipboard and pen and put it in my hand.

"Congratulations." Carmen said, her blue orbs staring into mine. "You're captain. And I'm out." 

She looked at the rest of the squad before walking out of the gym without a backwards glance. 

The squad clapped and cheered after she left, some jumping in the air and others hugging each other. 

Did they really hate her that much? 

"So now what, April?" Monique said as she smiled at me. 

I thought for a moment before saying, "Get in formation." 


Carmen's POV

I stormed down the hallway, my face and body hot with anger and embarrassment . How dare they choose her over me as a captain! I was the one that led them to many victories in state and national championships. I was the one that gave us the reputation of being the best squad in San Francisco. And most of all, I was the one that formed the squad. They all would be nothing without me. 

I unlocked my locker and threw all of my books inside my bag before slamming it shut and stepping outside into the crisp March air.  

"Fine, make her your captain. I don't care anymore." 

I was done trying to become friends with April. First, she steals my boyfriend. Then she steals my squad! 

I was not going down without a fight. Not like this. 

April's POV

After practice, I treated the girls to pizza before saying bye and heading towards my car. As I dug in my bag for my keys, I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist and pull me into a hug. I looked up and smiled at him. 

"Dominic, what's wrong with you? You almost gave me a heart attack!" 

He laughed. "Aw, I'm sorry, babe. Didn't mean to scare you. Are you heading home?" 

I nodded. "Yeah, it was a crazy practice today." 

"What happened? Did Carmen make you guys do a hundred push ups?" 

I laughed as I pulled out my keys and unlocked my car door, placing my things in the passenger side. "Even worse. The squad committed mutiny against Carmen and overthrew her as captain." 

He threw his head back and barked with laughter. "Are you serious?" 

I held up the shiny, silver whistle that Carmen gave me. "Yeah, I am." 

He smiled and wrapped me up into a bear hug. "I'm proud of you. You make a better captain than her, anyway." 

I arched an eyebrow and leaned back against the closed car door as I grabbed his shirt and pulled him towards me. "Really?" 

His tall frame towered over me and he placed his hands on the car behind me, trapping me in. "Yes, really." 

His lips met mine in a tender kiss that I was quick to return. My arms wrapped around his neck as I pulled myself closer to him. His hands rested on my hips as he pressed me against the car gently. 

I pulled away and smiled at him. "I have to go home. I'll see you tomorrow." 

"Okay. Call me when you reach home." 

I nodded. "I will." 


I heated a bowl of spaghetti left over from yesterday and carried it up to my room. I removed my clothes and took a quick, hot shower before pulling on a pair of underwear and a large college sweatshirt. 

I took a bite of spaghetti before glancing at my phone. The screen lit up and it was a text from Dominic. 

Are you home? 

I smiled at his consideration and texted him back. 

Yeah. About to go to bed. Goodnight. 

I finished my food and put the bowl on my desk before turning off my lamp and resting my head on my pillow. I stared up at the ceiling as thoughts flooded my mind. At first, my mind drifted back to Trevor and the New Year's Eve party. 

"Do you like him better than me, you whore?" 

I cringed at the thought and covered my face with my hands.  I never knew that Trevor would ever do something like that to me. Even though he was drunk, he should have known. After all, a drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts. 

I then thought about the female that I heard in the background that I heard a few hours earlier on the phone. It sounded a lot like someone that I knew. But I couldn't put my finger on it. 

I shook it off and decided that Trevor was free to talk to whoever he wanted. We were obviously not getting back together and I had no intention of going back to him. 

My  thoughts then shifted to Dominic. Our relationship has been growing day by day for the past few weeks and I could honestly say that there was no better feeling than being with the hottest guy in school. 

May was a few days away, meaning that summer vacation was right around the corner. Next year, I would be a junior and Dominic would be a senior. Time flew by so fast that it was almost unbelievable. 

A year ago, if someone told me that I would be the captain of the cheerleading team at my school, weigh 130 pounds, and have a football quarterback as my boyfriend, I would have laughed in their face. 

But now, my dream had become a reality. 


And two months later, she updated again! Sorry for the long wait, guys! My schedule has been very hectic lately and with school being right around the corner, updating slipped from my mind. But here I am, back with a whole new chapter for you guys!

For those of you that are going back to school soon, or even started school already, I hope that you have a wonderful school year and that everything will be in line for you! 

Don't forget to vote, comment, and share if you enjoyed my update! 


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