𝟎𝟏 - 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘀 𝗴𝗹𝗲𝗮𝗺𝗲𝗱.

Start from the beginning

She wanted to run and so she did. Sneaking out, she learned, wasn't hard at all. He was already too up in his head with his liquor habits to pay attention to the little girl moving towards the door.

Once she gently shut the door, she ran to the one place she felt her mother would likely show up. What she had to do now was to wait. Finding a random place to sit was pretty easy, she just followed what seemed right to her.

The sea at the moment felt like it was the only one who understood her. Her anger and sorrow resonated with the way waves moved. The sun didn't even bother to show up, and dull skies seemed to be getting darker with each passing second.

It wasn't even the early morning when the sun would still be appearing, leaving the sky darker. It was between the transition from noon to the evening when the sun would finally make its descent.

Her mind was like a film. Playing all she could remember since the moment she was able to form memories. Which honestly wasn't much but she tried. She tried so hard to forever paint the image of Kanika Surana smiling widely at her as she ran to her homely arms to be wrapped up in the safest of hugs.

She wondered if there ever would be a day when she'd experience a hug like that again.

Amma, you...promised. Why? Why did you go? Why did you not take me with you?

Her heart felt heavy, her mind felt light, the juxtaposition of the two making her feel lost. Heavy with a tangible weight like the rock that sat still as the wave hit it. Unmoving, sank deep into the sands. Light as the dark gray clouds floating high above moving in a synchronized manner. Hazing up the light blue sky.

She sat there, unmoving as she looked ahead, not knowing that time was passing just as quickly, the transition of noon getting over and evening almost entirely settling in. The pain subsided and she knew there would be nothing but a red mark left, which she could dismiss as a bug bite if anyone were to ask. If anyone would care that is.

And then all of a sudden, a lightning strike from afar hit the deep and furious waters. The loudness of it echoed throughout as if in retort to tell the waters to calm. An out-of-nowhere intrusion, Sai thought. Because it was so sudden, it made her snap out of her trance.

An out of nowhere intrusion as she jumped when she felt a weight on her shoulder. Light. But there. Just placed it there to get her attention.

She turned her head and she was met with dark brown deep-hued eyes, lined with an even deeper and darker kohl yet it made them stand out even more, gazing at her.

Confusion, curiosity, amusement.

Perhaps the only emotions she reciprocated were the former two and the last one of hers was unreadable to the other.


An awkward pause stood there as they both chose to speak up at the same time. She got more and more suspicious at the intrusion as she narrowed her eyes at him.

Varadharaj Mannar's amusement seemed to be the most he'd felt as he looked at the girl who was sitting. His curiosity was the result of the intrusion. He just couldn't help it. He had to know why she was here out of all places at this time when everyone seemed to be running back to the safety of their home.

He didn't expect to be met with the same sort of resilience he thought only existed in one person. That one person now not showing it but at a time, it did indeed feel like it was the only thing he'd ever see on his now best friend.

Saira let her curiosity take over briefly, scanning the somewhat tall lad in front of her. More questions arose as she saw the piercing through his nose, the bracelets he wore, and the tika on his forehead.

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