The destruction continues..

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On the day 2 of war, with the orders of pitamah bhisma the kauravas army implemented a new army module called "Kamala vyuha" which is breakable only by arjuna and karna from the pandavas side.

Krishna suggests karna to destroy the army module to enter in the vyuha as the maharathis including duryodhana and some brothers of duryodhana are under protection of that module.

Arjuna interferes in the conversation and asked krishna either he could enter into the vyuha as he wants to break the high-confidence of kauravas. Krishna suggests arjuna that the kauravas troops know arjuna's valour very well. But, karna needs to get a chance to showcase his abilities which are not known by everyone.

Arjuna smiles and nodded with karna. Karna agreed with Krishna's suggestion and with full prowess they started breaking the army. Duryodhana was watching all this and he asked bhisma to kill karna once he entered inside the vyuha. Bhisma told that it's not right time to kill karna, they could trap him or hurt him badly.

Pitamah knows karna's truth and he was not happy on karna's presence even from the side of pandavas, he thinks no matter from which karna is fighting  from, he is not safe in the battle-field. Kauravas including ashwattama, kripacharya and even dronacharya targeted karna since he betrayed their confidence over him. Duryodhana willing to kill karna before pandavas and bhisma trying his best to not let karna and duryodhana to come face-to-face. However, they already had a fierce duel on day 1 of war which bhisma didn't acknowledged.

Bhima again get chance of killing duryodhana's another 20 brothers with the aid of abhimanyu. He clears the way for him by killing the bodyguards hired for duryodhana's brothers by pitamah.

Bhisma was thinking about karna within in his mind, when a blast takes him back to the world from his thoughts. Karna entered the vyuha and he is all ready to face his enemies.

Dushasana evily says to duryodhana that karna unknowingly comes to meet his death and he took krishna to witness his painful death and he started laughing, ashwattama joined him later. But, duryodhana had duel with karna for two times. He knows how difficult it is to defeat karna and it's nearly impossible when krishna is with him, who revealed his virat roop frightening the every person in the hastinapur court.

Shakuni called bhisma and asked him to kill karna and trap 'vasudev Krishna' who maybe the prime reason for their defeat. But, pitamah refuses saying that karna like warrior deserves a respectful death which comes after all his valour and prowess exhaust and he becomes vulnerable.

Duryodhana interferes claiming karna is not going to exhaust easily. He is way more powerful than their imagination. Karna asks duryodhana either he is praising him or he is expressing his fear on him. Duryodhana snapped and declares he is not afraid of him.

Karna took blessings of bhisma and asks for a duel. Shakuni evily laughed and reminds duryodhana about their plan. At first, bhisma and karna are fighting with each other. The battle is more drastic than day 1. Both warriors are not seeming to give up their valour. The arrows are seeming to pierce their target, but they need a gap from opposite side's attacks. Soon, everything started going wrong which was not in the rule of battle.

Ashwathama, kripacharya started deceitfully attacking karna from opposite sides. karna easily managed to curb their moves. Karna shouted at ashwathama and kripacharya reminding them about the rules. Duryodhana grinned and says to karna that the rules changes according to situations.

Bhisma tried to stop duryodhana from continuing his evil plan. But, that evil minded duryodhana never listened to him from his childhood. Ashwathama keeps firing arrows at karna along with shakuni, kripacharya, shalya etc. Krishna assures karna that he is capable of defeating all of them, he needs to be more focused now.

Karna nodded and with his full dedication he tackled everyone. Ashwattama and kripacharya weapons are been broken away by karna. Shalya become chariotless and shakuni fell unconscious on the ground by karna's sharp arrows. Duryodhana also started attacking him from behind and karna succeeded defeating him as well. Now, it was just bhisma who is standing in front of karna. The duel went for long hours, but both warriors harmlessly standing in front of each other.

The day 2 of battle ended with the sunset and by breaking the "kamala vyuha" karna proves himself as the greatest warrior of kurukshetra.

At night, kauravas formed a small assembly to discuss the reason for their defeat in today's battle.

Duryodhana blamed pitamah for not hurting karna and strictly instructed him to kill at least one pandava in the day 3 (next day) of mahabharata!

He exclaim that if bhisma truly a protector of hastinapur and it's king, then he must follow his orders.

Pitamah nodded and took the oath of killing any one pandava on day 3!

But, is it possible for him as he know almighty krishna is there for pandavas protection!

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