Chapter 14

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- Goldenloin Boldheart wedding - 1 year later -

(Nate) great people of gloreth this is ktz here with wedding bells of the century

(Alamzapam) today's the day our director Ballister Boldheart will be marrying our king his highness Ambrosius Goldenloin

(Nate) let's get to this wedding people as we celebrate and congratulate Mr and Mr Boldheart Goldenloin

(Ballister) *fixing tie* today's the day

(Nimona) *entering in pink white mixed suit* are you ready dad?

(Ballister) I'm nervous but excited to call Ambrosius as my husband

(Nimona) isn't dad younger than you?

(Ballister) he is but we changed the ways of who goes first and second down the isle it will be Ambrosius the knights then you and me

(Nimona) could I walk you down dad? I'm family so it could work

(Ballister) you'd be flooded with jobs kid, you already hold the rings and wanted to throw flowers

(Nimona) I could do that then slither my way back to you

(Ballister) it's up to you kid but I'd love it *hugging and kissing nimonas head*

(Thoddious) *knocking on door* Ballister Nimona it's time

(Ballister) were coming *fixing hair* let's go

(Ambrosius) *walking into church down isle*

(Syntheya) your highness

(Thoddious) *walking down isle with Nicholas*

(Troy) *walking down isle with jule*

(Randall) *walking down isle with gottem*

(Nimona) *changing into animals throwing flowers down isle*

(Ambrosius) *laughing* my silly girl

(Nimona) *changing into snake slithering back to Ballister* I did it dad *changing back*

(Ballister) *walking with nimona* you did great kid

(Ambrosius) he's handsome as ever

(Syntheya) you've got a great deal your highness

(Nimona) congratulations Dad's

(Ballister) *hugging nimona with Ambrosius* thank you kid

(Ambrosius) *standing infront of Syntheya with Ballister*

(Syntheya) Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the sight of gloreth to join this man, and this man in holy matrimony. Not to be entered into lightly, holy matrimony should be entered into solemnly and with reverence and honor. Through gloreth, you are joined together in the most holy of bonds

(Ballister) *holding Ambrosius hands*

(Syntheya) Ambrosius repeat after me I Ambrosius take you Ballister to be my husband

(Ambrosius) I Ambrosius take you Ballister, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to god's holy law, in the presence of gloreth I make this vow.

(Syntheya) Ballister repeat after me I ballister take you Ambrosius to be my husband

(Ballister) I, Ballister take you, Ambrosius, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law, in the presence of gloreth I make this vow.

(Syntheya) may we have the rings?

(Nimona) *handing rings to Ambrosius*

(Syntheya) Ambrosius do you take Ballister to be your husband?

(Ambrosius) I do

(Syntheya) ballister do you take Ambrosius to be your husband?

(Ballister) I do

(Syntheya) you may now exchange rings

(Ambrosius) *placing ring on ballisters finger*

(Ballister) *placing ring on Ambrosius finger*

(Syntheya) I now pronounce you husband and husband your highness you may kiss your husband

(Ambrosius) *pulling balliter into kiss*

(Nimona) *throwing flowers* way to go dad's!!

(Kingdom) *cheering*

(Syntheya) I give you Mr and Mr.Boldheart Goldenloin

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