Chapter 9

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- Tarabek training ambros becoming king - training bal-

(Tarabek) becoming king you will need the royal clothing to fit the proper look

(Ambrosius) will need to find new clothes then for me and I'm fine with that

(Tarabek) your wardrobe has been supplied new clothes none of your clothes you have now have been gotten rid of but will need you to fit this royal look Ambrosius

(Nate) *walking in* I may be the kingdoms ktv news anchor but I do love some fashion work too

(Ambrosius) nate knight

(Nate) your highness *laying out clothes* we have a few options and what may match you most as a king purple and white were queen Valerins colors if you wish to match her but you did go for white and gold armor being head knight

(Ambrosius) I'll go for both colors to honor our queen and wearing my own colors as well valerin was a nobel queen this kingdom had and I wish to honor our queen

(Nate) you do have to get a crown made for you as well sir goldenloin the queen went with purple if you wish to match hers or if you had other ideas

(Ambrosius) red, purple, black and gold four gems to match four people my daughter, the queen, my soon fiancé and myself the crown will be silver or white

(Nate) I love the ideas, your soon fiancé?

(Ambrosius) Ballister Braveheart the man I plan to propose to by the new year

(Tarabek) will we need to plan two kings of this kingdom?

(Ambrosius) ballister will take my role still but the people will know him as a Goldenloin and Braveheart I plan to propose before I am placed king of the kingdom and people of gloreth will know him as my fiance

(Nate) then I congratulate you my king on your plans

(Ambrosius) thank you

- training ballister -

(Tarabek) you need new armor you know that

(Ballister) black was always my good color

(Tarabek) becoming head knight you should look into bright colors

(Ballister) then with this new armor I will match Ambrosius but white and black lining instead of gold he is a goldenloin afterall

(Tarabek) aren't you taking on his name soon?

(Ballister) in the future I could be, theirs talks of marriage but we just don't know yet on when

(Tarabek) I see, will need to get you a new cape as well and arm

(Ballister) I'd need to match with the armor?

(Tarabek) it is your choice, we have never had a head knight who is also missing an arm

(Ambrosius) it should be more up to ballister if he chooses to but I support him either way if he wishes to keep the regular color of it he doesn't need to change so much of himself tarabek I believe he'll do great as a head knight and director

(Tarabek) the talk should be more on if one of the other knights should take head knight because the director is always by his or her king or queens side as you saw valerin and the old director while Ambrosius took on head knight

(Ambrosius) do you want two roles or just to be director?

(Ballister) I was prepared to be next in line as I prepared to protect you I'll take on both roles and if something changes sir Thoddious can take on next head knight

(Tarabek) it's a good plan

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