8:30 am

10:30:01 until the U-20 Match

"How should I wear my hair? I personally like the two tiny pony-tails~" Bachira quipped, holding his hair into the hairstyle as he grinned.

You let out a laugh, "We should totally match. I'll do ponytails too."

"Can I join in?" Kurona spoke, munching on his toast.

Both you and Bachira nodded eagerly.

"Let's call ourselves the pony-tail platoon~!"

"Megeru, you suck at naming. We should be the power ponies."

"How about 'The Tenacious Tails.'"

Both you and Bachira grew quiet at the nickname Kurona gave, staring at him before exchanging glances and bursting out laughing.

"Yes! That's it!" you laughed out, holding your stomach as Bachira giggled rampantly with his hand over his mouth, pointing at Kurona.

"Eureka-Eureka," Kurona spoke again at the joyful acceptance of his idea.

This only made you and the yellow-toned male laugh harder. It wasn't even that funny, however, you were laughing so hard you were feeling your ribcage cramp up as tears pricked your eyes.

Nervousness was undoubtedly the cause of this slap-happy atmosphere the two of you created.

Karasu nodded his head, giving an unamused look toward the commotion from his end of the table, "Idiots."

"You should wear your hair in ponytails Tabito." Otoya said with a straight face, words slightly muffled as he spoke with a mouth full of cereal, "You'd look totes adorbs."

"Don't say dumbass shit like that again you womanizing freak."

Otoya shrugged, stuffing another spoonful of the cornflakes into his mouth as he watched the commotion from your side of the table.

It took a moment for you to catch your breath from all the frantic giggling, but once you managed to, you began eating your breakfast bowl of fruit, yogurt, and granola.

You looked around for Rin, but suddenly remembered he ate earlier on so he could go do some meditation: pre-game envisioning or whatever. You had tried it once with him and couldn't come up with anything. Envisioning plays was great and all, but not for your play style. Coming up with plays on the spot was more your speed.

Watching Neymar or Messi highlights was your way of preparing for matches. Getting that extra spur of creativity from watching clips of those kinds of players helped to jog your mind for inspiration.

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