Chapter 8: Last minute exam preparations

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Toms' little game with you played on your mind for the rest of the evening. You barely heard a word your friends said in the library and when you went back to your dorm, you just laid on your bed for awhile, staring up at the ceiling. 

The firmness of the grip he'd had on your waist had both felt good and a little scary. Making you realise how strong he probably was. You could still feel a little especially when you put your hand to where he'd touched you. It made you want him to do it again.

The speed and force with which he'd pushed you against the book shelf excited and scared you a little, mostly because you had no idea why it had happened. 

He had been so close again. It was like torturous teasing. Like a cat with a mouse. Like he knew how you felt and was toying with you for fun.

Part of you wanted to yell at him and ask him what his game was but the fear of him laughing at you and saying that he was only playing with you, only teasing made you stop that thought. You knew you couldn't cope with the idea of him laughing at you, not with you, especially about something so personal. 

 Any other crush maybe but not this one. The crush you had on him was consuming whatever parts of your brain wasn't filled with exam revision.

For a split second, you had thought he was going to kiss you in that library. It looked like he was going to, you were sure of it.

You sigh and lie back on your bed trying to get comfortable and relax your mind. You soon drift off to sleep, still in your uniform, laying on top of your bed.

The morning arrives and with it the dreaded two hours of writing essays about the bubonic plague cover up and the Goblin Rebellion of 1752. Throughout the History of Magic exam, your wrist aches with how fast you're writing, trying to get down as much information as you possibly can in the allotted time. When the examiner calls time you slump back in your chair, grateful that it's all over.

After lunch, you had the rest of the day to prepare for your final exam of the week, potions. The big one. The one that you had the lowest grade in. The one that Tom had been helping you with.

You had tried to find your girl friends to study with them but when you messaged them they didn't want to, they wanted to spend the afternoon in Hogsmeade relaxing and were going to study together in the evening. You sighed as you read the message, remembering that tonight would bring your study session with Tom in the potions lab. 

After yesterday, you weren't quite sure how you felt about it. Part of you didn't want to go, to message him and make some excuse and another part of you couldn't wait to see him again. Even if it did mean having to brew another potion.

You sigh as you come back down the stairs from your dormitory, potions textbook and bag in hand. As you sit down at one of the tables in the smaller Slytherin common room, you put your headphones in and psych yourself up to revise.

After nearly a full week of intense revision you were finding it easier and easier to get in the zone. You start scribbling away and soon nearly an hour passes when you feel someone pull your headphones out and before you can turn round to see who it is, their hands cover your eyes. 

Your hands fly up to try and pull them off but they just grip you tighter. For a moment, your heart skips a beat. No, you would have noticed him getting out of his seat.

No... it can't be him. He wouldn't interact with me like this in public... surely?... you think.

"Hello there Princess."

You try to ignore the feeling of slight disappointment in your stomach as you recognise the voice.

"Mattheo Riddle."

Love & Potions: A Tom Riddle X Reader Story  | Fifth year part 1Where stories live. Discover now