Chapter 7a: Exam Week Arrives

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Exam week had arrived.

You had spent every spare minute cramming as much knowledge into your brain as you could. You know you have to do well in these exams and the pressure was getting to you.

Tuesday lunchtime came around and you had already sat two of your exams on the Monday and had spent every minute of this morning revising for your herbology exam.

You sit with your headphones on in the courtyard area outside of the greenhouses, reading the herbology textbook over and over, trying to absorb the words through your eyes into your brain, silently wishing you knew a memory retention spell.

Despite Tom teaching you some better memory techniques, you were finding your brain tripping over all the complicated latin names for the plants. Herbology was one of your more complex subjects. 

You had to learn how to care for the plants, grow them, learn their uses and most importantly what not to use them for or with. It was a lot to remember and you can feel the stress sitting in your chest.

You sit trying to remember everything you can about fanged geraniums when your frustration with yourself takes over and you do a silent little scream for a moment, clutching your textbook hard and bash the inner spine off of your head a couple times and groan. 

You sigh at yourself, wondering if your brain had reached its maximum capacity for knowledge already this week. 

Exam week was stressful

You put your book in your lap again, closing your eyes and try to remember the repotting process for biting plants when your phone buzzes with a new text message. 

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You smile down at the text, surprised to receive a text from Tom. You then realise that he must be able to see you. You lift your head up and look around the courtyard. 

All you can see are other fifth years with their heads in text books. Your eyes flick up to the green metal walkways directly opposite you on the second floor and you still can't see him anywhere.

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Love & Potions: A Tom Riddle X Reader Story  | Fifth year part 1Where stories live. Discover now