Since The Beginning

Start from the beginning

"Okay, Gen, I have to go home now." Anthony doesn't give her time to question why before he bolts out of her room, rushing home.

Once Anthony reached his bed, he plopped down with a big sigh. All he could think about was how amazing his best friend was.

Eighteen years old:

"And now I present you the class of 2023. You guys have made it through a tough four years of high school, and now you're on to bigger and better things. Congrats, class!"

With that, the grads toss their caps into the air, excited to be officially done with high school. Imogen begins to exit and makes her way to find Anthony. They couldn't sit next to each other because of their last names. It didn't matter, though, because they were still each other's biggest fan once each name was called.

Once Imogen sees Anthony with their parents, she runs towards him, jumping into his arms. She grabs his face, smiling, and says

"We did it, Tony! We are officially done with high school."

"Yeah, Gen, we did," Anthony says lowly. He was never one to be as loud as his best friend was. But as he holds her up in his arms, he can't help but feel a sense of happiness seeing his best friend be so happy on their graduation day. Nothing can ruin how he is feeling at this moment in time.

Their parents secretly snap photos of them. One day, they will show these photos at their children's wedding. They can see Anthony and Imani's love for each other and have seen it since they were little.

" We're on to college, Tony, and I can't wait for what's next."

Twenty-two years old:

Anthony felt angry and frustrated as he held his crying best friend in his arms. He couldn't believe that she was crying over a man, actually no, a boy, who wasn't even with her time to begin.

"He cheated on me, Tony, with her, his best friend. The girl I told him I always felt uncomfortable around. The girl who always made insulting comments about what I wore or how I did my hair, yet he decided to cheat on me with her. I don't understand why he would do this. I gave him my all, but that wasn't enough, wasn't Tony?"

Anthony was about to speak, but Imogen started sobbing, and that's when he realized he could not let her tears continue.

"Gen, Jackson didn't deserve you. He didn't deserve you from the beginning, nor did he deserve the tears you're wasting on him. You are one of the most amazing individuals I have met, and I'm not just saying that because you're my best friend. I'm saying that because I genuinely mean it. You have always stuck up for me when people made insulting comments about the birthmark on my face or the way I did my hair. You are always there for any of your other friends to lend a helping hand, be the shoulder somebody cries on, and bring laughter to those having a bad day. You are an amazing person, a ray of sunshine, and Jackson was a fool till I cherished you and treated you right. But I will always cherish and treat you right. I will always love you."

And with that, Imogen looked up and stared into Anthony's eyes, seeing an emotion that she had never seen in his eyes before. It was pure, undeniable love. It was the love you see between two people who are getting married. And it was at that moment she realized that Anthony didn't just love her as a friend but as something much more.

And before she even realizes what she is doing, she leans and kisses Anthony. This was like no other kiss she ever shared with any other boy. This kiss had passion, love, and comfort, something she had never felt before, not even with Jackson.

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