Embrace the Chase (Part 1/5)

Start from the beginning

"Hey guys, what's going on?" Cyan asked, looking between all of the other Rainbow Friends.

Green and Yellow seemed to not know what was going on either, but the looks that Blue, Orange, and Red all had on their faces gave away the subject of the conservation this time.

After seeing the expressions on their faces, Cyan quickly decided that she did not want to be there anymore. She glanced back at Purple, and she saw that he looked fearful as well.

"I'll tell you 'what's going on.'" Red told her, sounding very annoyed. Cyan wasn't sure what could have made him so upset. It must have been bad if all of the Rainbow Friends were called in to discuss it.

"What is it?" Yellow asked, his voice was even, but he started to fidget a little bit with his wings, giving away his nervousness.

Red pointed to the door on the ramp at the end of the room. The big steel door was usually sealed tightly shut, but currently, the doors were wide open, revealing the room behind it. The Rainbow Friends (except for Green) all peered through to see a wooden ramp leading into a small garbage chute.

They all stared at the room in a shocked silence as they processed what this meant for them. Cyan tore her eyes away from the sight, praying that it wasn't true.

"Red, don't tell me that they-" Cyan started, but was interrupted by Red, who was already continuing. Cyan noticed that his eyes were fixed on both Blue and Orange as he spoke.

"Can someone explain to me why four humans got out of the play place alive?!" Red said, sounding absolutely furious now. Yellow and Purple gasped, and Green squeaked in surprise.

Cyan noticed that Red was still staring straight at Orange and Blue. The two brightly colored monsters were still staring at the door in shock. Cyan silently considered the situation, then stepped towards the two.

She kept her voice calm, trying to not alarm the two. "Blue, Orange." Cyan said, addressing them calmly but sternly.

Blue turned to look at Cyan, shock etched onto his face. Orange did not turn around, but he shifted slightly, so Cyan took that as a sign that he was listening.

"Are you two at fault for this?" Cyan asked them. Cyan's heart dropped as she realized that the two did not answer, and instead were looking at the ground, seeming guilty.

Cyan waited for them to answer, trying to understand what may have happened. A million scenarios ran through her head, anything could have happened during the hunt. She should have been there, they could have been hurt.

As Cyan realized that none of the Rainbow Friends had said a word since she spoke, she glanced around her. The other Rainbow Friends all had their eyes trained on the two downcast monsters.

Cyan took a breath, preparing herself to speak again, when Blue finally spoke up.

"It wasn't on purpose...there were complications." Blue said quietly, he looked up to meet the eyes of the other Rainbow Friends.

Red spoke up, sounding unconvinced. "It wasn't on purpose? Is that really what you think, Blue?" He said, crossing his arms and glaring at the bigger monster.

Cyan glanced at Yellow in confusion. The older monster glanced back at her and shrugged, seeming to be just as clueless as the rest of them. Green made another squeaking sound before speaking all of their thoughts out loud.

"What wasn't on purpose?" Green said, his voice shaking out of worry for his two good friends.

Cyan waited for someone to explain, but no one spoke up again. Everyone was worried about what would happen now. What would become of them?

Then Orange stood up and turned towards them. The small Orange monster looked upset, not just guilty or confused, it was different. Cyan wondered what could have happened that would affect the little monster so.

As if answering her thoughts, Orange finally spoke, his voice scratchy and shaking, but still clear. "I'll tell you guys what happened, but before I tell you, promise me one thing." He stated.

The other Rainbow Friends all glanced at each other, then silently agreed among themselves.

"Okay, what is it?" Cyan said, speaking for all of them.

Orange glanced back at Blue, then turned back around to face the rest of the Rainbow Friends. "Just promise me that Blue doesn't get in trouble, it was entirely my fault. I'll face the consequences." Orange said, his voice still shaking, but less than before.

After a short few moments, Cyan replied. "I guess that's fine," she said, glancing at Red for confirmation. He nodded, so she let Orange continue.

Blue seemed like he wanted to argue with that, but seemed to remember his place at the moment and didn't say anything as Orange started to talk.

Orange told the Rainbow Friends about an attempt to control his Predator form, followed by the events that had happened during the hunt. 

He explained how he got blocked into his own cave, the chase through the vents (Purple was visibly upset at that), his attempts to hide from the others, he explained how Blue saved him and brought him to a safe place.

After the explanation, all of the Rainbow Friends were stunned into silence. All except for Red, who seemed to be contemplating something, and was looking intently at Orange.

No one said a word of comfort, and instead looked upon Orange, unsure of what to say or how to react. Cyan knew that deep down, she also felt the same way, to a lesser extent, but still, she couldn't say a word, not in front of the others.

The little monster faltered under their many gazes, but still kept his eyes up, hoping that they would at least show some mercy to him.

After a while, Red finally sighed and turned to the other Rainbow Friends to address them instead of Orange.

"Listen, we can deal with this problem later. First, we must intercept the humans before they can escape the woods. There's still a chance that we can catch them." He said, ignoring the crushed look that Orange had on his face now.

Purple stepped forwards, nodding as Red spoke. Cyan was wondering why he was so eager to catch them, then realized that Purple was probably the most fearful out of all of them about being discovered.

Green looked unsure, but still nodded, showing that he supported. Cyan and Yellow listened intently, ready to defend their home. Blue, while still looking somewhat down, stood up and agreed to help to make up for his mistakes.

While Cyan didn't believe that Blue had anything to make up for, she admired his courage for volunteering.

It would seem that they had a new hunt to plan. And this time, there would be no games involved. It was do or die, and the stakes had never been higher.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a good day/night!

Next Chapter: Embrace the Chase (Part 2/5)

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