13. The Little Things

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Muscles yearning for some sort of relaxation, you work a lazy shift

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Muscles yearning for some sort of relaxation, you work a lazy shift. With your office being fully ventilated after mild reconstruction, your day's filled with prodecure templates, printing new flyers and looking over client agreement forms. Time seems to trudge forwards with no sign of accelerating, and as bored as you are, you're glad you don't have to do much legwork. Jungkook really did a number on you.

You actually wonder what he's doing right now, if he's just as worn out as you are. Doubt it, this man practically lives with weights. Pushes himself to reckless limits, always giving that extra hundred percent. Always. His whole life, fate has dealt him cards that bare the heftiness of a million boulders, yet everytime he thinks it's too much, he proves himself wrong. He's the strongest person you know.

Jimin waltzing into your space crashes your train of thought, his dirty blonde hair bouncing as he walks.
"What's goin' on?" He greets you.
He leans against your desk as you arch a brow, asking where Jia is. He scoffs, asks you how he would know, that they're not two peas in a pod.

The way you laugh when said woman walks into the room at the mention of her name is more than enough to get Jimins eyes rolling. She halts in her tracks, confused as you throw your head back, Jimin telling you to shut up.

She dismisses it, shakes her head. "Who's excited for tomorrow?" She sings, wiggling her shoulders.

Watching as she stands besides the blondie, you purse your lips with a shrug, "I barely know anyone there."

"You know us, so who cares." Jimin retorts, you lean back in your chair and eye the two. You already know once you step foot in the place they'll skulk away somewhere to eat each others faces right off. Then you remember what Jungkook told you.

'If it sucks, we can just leave. Get drunk together.'

Just 'cause of that, you kinda hope it sucks.

"Plus, you'll have your motorcycle man." Jias words pierce through your thought bubble, letting it dissolve into white snow atop your head.

"Yeah, if he doesn't ditch me." You swing your legs round your chair, leaning your back against the wall.

You know he would never do that, as much as you want him to have fun at this party, you know he wouldn't leave your side. Not saying he won't have fun with you, but it's nice to expand once in a while. Have some boyish fun of his own. The thought of walking in on him making out with some random girl is nauseating, yet hilarious. However, he only has fun when he's with you.

"We both know he wouldn't do that, but alright." Jia replies, telling you how you're both joint at the hip.

Some part of you feels anxious, as you always are before any sort of event. Logically mapping out the situation, this can either be terribly stressful or terrifically fun. Either way, it's going to be a memory you'll recall in future hang outs.

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