The hunters

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Kinda the leader of the team but Nya hardly listens to him and just calls him a sub but he takes his job seriously well as seriously as he can with Nya always flirting with him he is also very truthful and sticks to his moral compass but  he also ...

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Kinda the leader of the team but Nya hardly listens to him and just calls him a sub but he takes his job seriously well as seriously as he can with Nya always flirting with him he is also very truthful and sticks to his moral compass but  he also knows when something is right and wrong.

Kinda the leader of the team but Nya hardly listens to him and just calls him a sub but he takes his job seriously well as seriously as he can with Nya always flirting with him he is also very truthful and sticks to his moral compass but  he also ...

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She is a real powerhouse she is a mutant wolf creature and is also a huge flirt with Y/N she doesn't always follows his orders and mostly likes to see him flustered and she's also a great fighter as well as a great shot but she uses her shock gaun...

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She is a real powerhouse she is a mutant wolf creature and is also a huge flirt with Y/N she doesn't always follows his orders and mostly likes to see him flustered and she's also a great fighter as well as a great shot but she uses her shock gauntlets for close up just how she likes it.

She is a real powerhouse she is a mutant wolf creature and is also a huge flirt with Y/N she doesn't always follows his orders and mostly likes to see him flustered and she's also a great fighter as well as a great shot but she uses her shock gaun...

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She is the third party sent by the guy to help Y/N and Nya with there hunt not much is known about she dose like Y/N to an extent but has this strange rivalry with Nya for his affection but she is also a skilled marksman and prefers to scope out h...

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She is the third party sent by the guy to help Y/N and Nya with there hunt not much is known about she dose like Y/N to an extent but has this strange rivalry with Nya for his affection but she is also a skilled marksman and prefers to scope out her targets.

The Hunt(Male bounty hunter x Fallout furs)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora