Chapter 9

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Scott sat on a bench waiting for Mo to walk by. He was taking Harper's advice and was going to talk to Mo. "Hey," Scott said as Mo ignored him, "Oh, come on Mo. Can we please just talk?"

"We don't have anything to talk about," Mo said continuing to walk away.

"I think we do," Scott said, "Look, I made a mistake." Mo stopped turning to look at Scott. "I still have feelings for you."

"I don't think you do," Mo said.

"What do you mean?" Scott asked.

"I'm not the same girl I was two months ago," Mo said, "And our never was great. When we are together I feel like I needed to be something I wasn't. I don't want to do that anymore."

"You won't have to be," Scott said, "You can be whoever you need to be."

"No, I can't. You and I don't work," Mo said, "I can't be who I want to be with you. And that's nothing against you I just realized I need to be on my own right now."

"Mo," Scott said.

"Scott deep down I think you know that this relationship was over before we ended it," Mo said, "I don't know why you're holding onto it but you need to let go."

"So what am I supposed to do now?" Scott asked.

"Go find yourself," Mo said, "I know there's a girl out there for you somewhere. Maybe she's closer than you think."

"What do you mean?" Scott furrowed his brow.

"I know Harper has been tutoring you," Mo said, "I saw you two the other day at school."

"I don't see why that matters," Scott said.

"I see the way you look at her," Mo said, "I know in our entire relationship that neither of us have ever looked at each other like that."

"I don't like Harper like that," Scott said, "She's just tutoring me."

"Maybe you just think you don't like her because you've had this fantasy of our relationship still being alive," Mo said, "But it's not going to happen."

"Do you at least forgive me?" Scott asked.

"Of course I do," Mo said, "But that changes nothing between us. I'm so incredibly happy with my life right now. You need to go be happy too." Mo walked away leaving Scott standing there by himself. He thought she was absolutely crazy to think that he liked Harper. There's no way a relationship between the two could even work. Even if he did like Harper...she didn't like him back, did she?


Harper sat at Scott's kitchen table as they looked over his last quiz to go over what he got wrong. He had been acting a little distant today but she just thought it was about his talk with Mo. She'd heard from Mo that it didn't go too well. She felt bad for the boy but maybe the relationship just wasn't right. "On number 12 you did all the work right until about halfway through. You multiplied here where you should have divided."

"Ugh. I'm such an idiot," Scott said.

"You're not an idiot," Harper said placing her hand on his upper arm. Scott's body tensed up under her touch. His mind had been all over the place since his talk with Mo. The more he thought about it the more he thought maybe she was right. Over the time she'd been tutoring him the two have gotten pretty close.

Harper was a completely different person than he originally thought. When he first approached her about tutoring and she said no he was angry. He thought she was just being petty and stuck up. As he got to know her she slowly started to open up and become herself. Scott could feel himself opening up more too. He felt like he could truly be himself around her.

Harper's phone rang catching her attention. She saw Wen's contact flash across her screen. "Hello?"

"Turn on WRIZ!" Wen yelled before hanging up. She looked down at her phone confused.

"Everything okay?" Scott asked.

"Uh yeah. Do you have a radio?" Harper asked.

"Yeah in the living room," Scott said standing from the table. He lead Harper over pressing the on button. She turned the dial to the correct station as music started to come out of the speakers. Her jaw dropped when she heard Lemonade Mouth's song playing...their song was playing. "Is that your..."

"Our song!" Harper said turning to the man, "Lemonade Mouths song is playing on the radio!" Harper jumped with joy as she listened to the song.

"This is huge!" Scot said pulling the girl into a hug. Harper never expected to ever see their song on the radio.

"This is the best day of my life!" Harper smiled. She pulled back looking up at Scott with a huge smile on her face. As he stared into her eyes it was like something changed. What Mo had said to him was right, all of it was right. At this moment Scott realized that he liked Harper more than just a friend.

Harper noticed a change in Scott's eyes making her a little nervous. She pulled back getting out of the awkward embrace. Scott cleared his throat trying to diffuse the tension. "I'm really proud of you," Scott said.

"Thank you," Harper smiled.


The radio sponsor for Rising Star heard our demo and put it on the air. It was a dream come true for all of us.

But just when the future looked brightest for Lemonade Mouth, everything started to fall apart.


The band stood on stage at Dante's to perform their usual Thursday night gig. Harper had a tickle in her throat but she was just trying to ignore it. To save her voice she decided not to sing today. Mo was sneezing her head off as Olivia sang. "Mo, you sure you're okay?" Charlie asked.

"Yeah. I think it's just allergies," Mo said. Olivia sang as Ray started yelling at them from the crowd. Olivia did her best to ignore him but he just kept pestering.

"I'm just saying, I'm gonna take you down at Rising Star tomorrow," Ray yelled, "You just wait!"

"Look, just ignore him," Wen said to Olivia as she turned back to start singing. Ray stood from his seat taking the microphone from Olivia's hand.

"All right, thanks. Hey, good evening ladies and gentlemen," Ray said into the microphone, "May I introduce, Loser Mouth.

"Give me to mic," Wen said trying to take it back.

"No, bro," Ray said tugging it back. Wen let go of the mic making Ray fall onto a girl in the crowd. He soon started flirting with her until the man behind her got upset about it.

The man quickly stood up into the waiter behind him. Harper watched in shock as the waiter fell onto a table making an even bigger mess. The crowd joined in throwing cups everywhere. Harper put her guitar down trying to dodge the cups that were being thrown. Wen got shoved into a pizza ruining his white shirt.

Ray was walking by as Mo sneakily tripped him so that he fell onto the ground. Harper gave her a high five. As Ray stood up he pulled tubes out of the drink machine. Soon he was spraying everyone as cups continued to fly. Dante walked in making everyone freeze. This was not going to be good...

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