Chapter 5

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Harper sat on her couch wearing a big baggy-stained t-shirt with shorts watching TV. The hair she had French braided into pigtails last night was frizzy from her slumber. A knock on her door caught her attention. She wasn't expecting anyone today. The Halloween Bash was this week but everyone decided they needed a break from rehearsing. It had been nonstop and everyone was tired.

She got up from the couch and walked to the front door. When she opened the door the person standing in front of her was the last person she expected to see. "Scott? What are you doing here? How do you know where I live?"

"I just wanted to let you know I'm not going to be needing that tutoring after all," Scott said, "I'm doing just fine in math."

"That's great," Harper said still confused as to why he showed up at her house.

"I mean F stands for fine right?" Scott said showing Harper his math test. Her eyes fell to the big red F at the top of the page. "Thanks for the help."

She looked up as Scott started walking away from her house. Harper felt horrible for not helping him. At first, she thought maybe it was some trick Mudslide Crush was trying to play. But now, now she realized he actually needed help.

"Scott. Wait!" she yelled at the boy running down the steps of her house. He stopped just as he was getting ready to leave the yard. "I'm sorry for turning you down the other day."

"Don't worry about it," Scott said, "I'll just fail and not be able to play soccer." He turned around to start walking away again.

"Wait," Harper said grabbing ahold of his writs, "I'll tutor you."

"Really?" Scott asked.

"But I have a few conditions," Harper said letting go of his wrist.

"Anything," Scott shook his head.

"I don't exactly have a lot of free time between tutoring other people and band practice," Harper said, "You're going to have to work around my schedule. Which means probably early morning tutoring sessions."

"Got it," Scott nodded, "Anything else?"

"Yeah try and get Ray and that Jules girl to lay off of us a little bit," Harper said, "I get he's mad we took half your set but that doesn't mean he should bother Olivia. She's a really nice girl."

"I'll see what I can do but I'm not promising anything," Scott said. Harper looked up at the boy trying a gauge whether he was being sincere or not.

"You've got a deal then," Harper said holding her hand out for him to shake.

"Thank you so much," Scott smiled, "I promise you won't regret this."

"First tutoring session will be Monday morning before school," Harper said, "Don't be late or it will be our last."

"I'll be there," Scott said pulling out his phone and holding it out to her.

"What's that for?" Harper asked.

"Well, I figured since you're tutoring me we'll need each other's numbers.

"Right," Harper nodded taking his phone. She typed in her number handing it back to him.

"I'll text you so you have my number," Scott said.

"Monday 6 am at the school," Harper said, "Don't be late."

"I'll be there," Scott smiled before walking away. Harper sight before walking back inside. She heard her phone ding as she walked to the couch.

Thank you so
much for giving
me a chance.

Nice outfit btw...

Harper rolled her eyes and she shut her phone and went back to watching the TV.


"You're late," Harper sighed as Scott walked up holding two coffee cups and a thing of cracker jacks.

"Sorry. I brought you a coffee," Scott offered.

"I don't drink coffee," Harper said.

Scott sighed before opening up the little toy that comes in the crackerjack box. Harper hadn't seen one of those in years, since she was a kid. She snickered to herself when Scott pulled out a colorful bracelet, turning back to the book in front of her. "It's for you."

"Oh please," Harper rolled her eyes.

"Oh, come on," Scott said grabbing her arm and sliding it onto her wrist, "Don't say I never gave you anything."

"Do you see this book?" Harper asked holding up their algebra book, "Because this book is me I am math."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Scott asked.

"It's supposed to mean that you can work your whole I'm Scott Pickett member of Mudslide Crush, star of the soccer team scoring your touchdowns on somebody else because-"

"I don't even play football," Scott laughed.

"Whatever. The point is at the end of the day all your bluster and BS don't mean anything to math because math don't care and neither do I," Harper huffed.

"Does English care? Because I really suck at that too," Scott admits.

"Please don't waste my time," Harper said, "I'm already taking a chance on you because my instincts are telling me to run away."

"I won't I promise," Scott said.

"Let's get started," Harper said turning the book around to face Scott, "Page 81. I want you to try some of these problems for me." Harper watched as Scott sat there and tried to work out the problems by himself. He really was horrible at math. Something inside of her couldn't help but scream that she shouldn't tutor him. She knew that Stella specifically would be mad at her for tutoring him. It wouldn't be so bad if Mo found out, he was her boyfriend after all, she'd even seen the two talking the other day.

Harper did her best to shake the thoughts from her brain. She'd get through this tutoring and then she'd be done with it. After they were finished she'd never have to see Scott again...

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