Chapter 6

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"Well this is it guys," Stella said as they walked to the music room.

"Our last rehearsal," Mo finished.

"Guys I can't believe the Halloween Bash is tomorrow night," Wen said.

"And Rising Star in a few weeks," Charlie added. Harper felt Olivia stop next to her. She turned to look at her as did everyone else.

"You okay?" Wen asked.

"Fine, fine. I'm totally fine," Olivia played off.

"We're all nervous Olivia," Harper said hooking her arm in the girls.

"Try terrified," Mo said.

"Hey, come on you guys, we're gonna be great," Stella encouraged, "In fact, I know just the thing to make us feel better."

"Lemonade," everyone cheered. Everyone's smiles dropped when they saw a sign that said 'scheduled for removal' on the front of Mel's lemonade machine. Stella walked over ripping the sign down.

"Where are you going?" Harper asked.

"To figure this out," Stella called back. Wen sighed before following the girl. He knew Stella doing this by herself wouldn't end well.

"Well if practice is canceled I have homework to do," Harper said, "I'll see you guys tomorrow." Everyone waved to the girl as she made her way back up to the main part of the school. Most of the halls were empty as she walked to her locker.

"You're literally the best!" someone yelled hugging her from behind.

"Wow!" Harper said pulling away from them to see Scott standing behind her, "Why exactly are you sneak attack hugging me in the hallway?"

"Because you're the best tutor ever!" Scott smiled holding out a math quiz. Harper smiled when she saw a B- written at the top.

"Scott, that's great!" Harper smiled, "I'm proud of you!"

"It was all your teaching!" Scott said, "I've had several tutors and none of them have ever been able to help me like this."

"Well I'm glad I can help," Harper smiled, "Still on for the study session this weekend?"

"I'll totally be there," Scott smiled. He leaned forward pulling Harper into another unexpected hug before jogging off, "You're the best Garcia!"


Today was the day of the Halloween Bash and to say Harper was nervous was an understatement. As she rounded a corner she ran into Mo. Immediately she knew something was wrong. "Mo, are you okay?"

"Scott and I are done," Mo cried.

"What happened?" Harper asked.

"Ray just led me up to the weight room and Jules was practically all over him," Mo said, "She was wearing his letterman jacket and everything."

"Mo I'm so sorry," Harper said pulling her friend into a hug.

"It's whatever," Mo said, "He'd been distancing himself for a while anyway. I guess I was just putting off the inevitable." Harper continued to hug the girl. How could Scott be such a jerk? If he didn't like Mo anymore he should have just broke things off.


"She promised she'd be here," Stella said as she sat with Mo, Charlie, and Harper. They went on soon and no one had seen Olivia.

"Maybe she just got held up," Charlie said.

"We go on in ten minutes," Mo said.

"Guys there's no way Olivia would flake on us," Harper said.

Lemonade Mouth//Scott PickettWhere stories live. Discover now