Chapter 8

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Lemonade Mouth was officially a sensation.

And five strangers were much, much, more. We were friends.


They all walked down the stairs as several people asked for autographs. Scott couldn't help but look at Mo as she descended the stairs. But he soon found his eyes on the girl behind her. Harper looked over giving him a small smile which he returned.

The two had been spending a lot more time together as the end of the semester neared. She wanted to make sure that he was as prepared as possible. The more the two got to know one another, the more they liked each other.


"Hey," Scott said walking up to Harper who sat at an outside table at school. Tutoring at school wasn't always Harper's first choice but sometimes that's all that fits in their schedules.

"Hey," Harper smiled, "How are you?"

"I've been better," Scott said.

"What's up?" Harper asked.

"Mo is driving me crazy," Scott complained.

"What do you mean?" Harper asked.

"She's shut me out," Scott said.

"Well I mean do you blame her?" Harper laughed, "You basically pushed her away. Then when she caught you with Jules?"

"I know I screwed up," Scott said.

"I think you beyond screwed up," Harper said.

"Well, how do I fix it?" Scott asked.

"Do you really want to fix it?" Harper asked.

"Oh course I do," Scott said.

"Well then you need to fight for her," Harper said, "If you truly want to win your relationship back then you have to fight for it. Don't just sit there and let it fall apart more. Talk to Mo, maybe she'll understand."

"So I just talk to her?" Scott asked.

"You don't just talk to her, you support her," Harper said, "If you don't support her it's never going to work out." Harper could tell Scott was thinking hard about her words. "Now let's get focused on math because if we don't I have other things to do.


"Have you guys seen Olivia today?" Wen asked as he and Stella walked up to Mo, Charlie, and Harper.

"No," Mo said.

"I haven't seen her all day," Harper said. They all walked off to heading to Olivia's house. It was unusual for her to miss school.

When they got to Olivia's house her Gran told them that Nancy had passed away. Nancy was a cat Olivia had from her mom. The only thing she had left from her. "You okay?"

"You came," Olivia said looking up at Wen.

"Yeah we all came," Wen said as everyone joined them in the backyard.


"Hey, Olivia."

"Look, I'm-I'm really sorry about Nancy," Wen said as everyone sat around Olivia.

"Yeah, me too."

"Hey, it's nice out here," Charlie said looking around at the backyard.

"Yeah. Sometimes I like to look up and see what shapes I can find," Olivia said, "You know in the clouds." They all lay down on the grass staring up at the sky.

"It's a giant old lady with a skirt and an umbrella," Charlie said

"See there, it's a flower in a vase," Olivia said.

"I see a hand," Mo smiled.

"That one looks like a bunny," Harper said.

"No, you're way off," Wen said, "It's an alien pushing a baby carriage."

"All I see is a blob," Stella droned, "Sometimes I think I'm too stupid to be in my family. Like I'm just some big letdown. No wonder my mom ignores me."

"I wish my mom had a choice to ignore me," Harper said, "She's always at work and I hardly ever see her. I push myself so hard because I don't want her to have to worry about me. But sometimes I feel like I fail at it."

"I wish my dad would ignore me," Mo said, "I'm never going to live up to this idea he has of a perfect Indian daughter."

"Try living up to a perfect brother," Charlie scoffed.

"I'd take perfect brother any day over my dad's ridiculous girlfriend," Wen said.

"My dad's in prison," Olivia said making everyone look at her, "I just- I'm too humiliated to talk to him or about him and... You know he writes but I don't write back because I don't know what to say. He's made some really bad decisions since my mom died, and I still love him but he's-he's a stranger to me." Harper laid her head on Olivia's shoulder in comfort. "Which is why I'm so glad to have this. Our friendship."

I can't pretend
To know how you feel
But know that I'm here
Know that I'm real

Say what you want
Or don't talk at all

I'm not gonna let you fall
Reach for my hand, 'cause it's held out for you
My shoulders are small
But you can cry on them too
Everything changes, but one thing is true
We'll always be more than a band

You used to brave the world
All on your own
Now we won't let you go, go it alone

Be who you wanna be
Always stand tall

Stella and Charlie
Not gonna let you fall

Reach for my hand, 'cause it's held out for you
My shoulders are strong
But you can cry on them too
Everything changes, but one thing is true
We'll always be more than a band

I never knew you could take me so far
I've always wanted to hope that you are the ones I need

Reach for my hand, 'cause it's held out for you
My shoulders are strong
But you can cry on them too (Cry on them too)
Everything changes, but one thing is true
We'll always be more than a band

Reach for my hand, 'cause it's held out for you
My shoulders are strong
But you can cry on them too
Everything changes, but one thing is true
We'll always be more than a band

Lemonade Mouth//Scott PickettUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum