The confession

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With how late it was, Duchess helps her little kittens get to bed, so they'll have enough energy to get back home tomorrow. Tommy was not into eating fish, especially from a trashcan, but with no choice as he needed to eat something. Gidget: "Hey Tommy?, are you okay?" Tommy: "Yeah... why wouldn't I be, I'm sure my stomach can handle a fish from a can." Gidget: "That's not what I meant... I mean the fact that you're no longer human?" Tommy: "Oh... well I don't know... it's something you learned on getting used to... what about you?" Gidget: "Well... same thing... but I guess the same could go for my powers." Tommy: "How did you get psychic powers anyway?" Tommy: "I was born with them, before those rotten demons tricked me to go visit Pleasure island." the name of the island put a chill down Tommy's spine, as he had scary memories there. Tommy: "So... is that how you were able to fly around a little?" Gidget: "You could say that... but can I ask you something?" Tommy: "Sure... what is it?" Gidget: "Why did you really tag along?" Tommy: "What do you mean?" Gidget: "You said that you want to go to Paris with us to get food, but even though we got to Paris, you still stayed with us, why?" Tommy: "Well... I guess you should know the truth... the thing is... I didn't want to be alone." Gidget: "Alone?" Gidget: "Yeah, You had Duchess and her kittens to keep you company... but I had nobody... and... I couldn't leave you out in the countryside as you're a lot like me and..." Gidget: "You have a crush on me?" this made Tommy's eyes widened, and his face began to blush a little. Tommy: "How did..." Gidget: "My psychic powers also allow me to hear the thoughts of others close to me, and your mind kept saying that I was pretty and you wanted to help me." this made Tommy to look away a little with a blush, before Gidget kissed him on the cheek, much to his surprise. Gidget: "To be honest Tommy... I kind of like you that way too, as foxes were always one of my favorite animals besides cats." Tommy: "Y... you mean it?" Gidget: "Of course." Tommy felt his heart racing a little, before hearing O'Malley and Duchess talking outside. The fox and Mew girl took a look out the window and see that the two cats' tails were around one another like they were holding hands if they had any. Of course Duchess sees the pair, which made them to chuckle in a nervous way. Duchess: "You should get to bed you two." Tommy: "Yeah, sorry." O'Malley: "That's alright, just make sure you get plenty of sleep, we're gonna be at this Madame's place tomorrow." Gidget: "That's right, oh... you'll come visit us often, won't ya?" O'Malley: "I don't know... maybe... it's just that... me and humans don't normally mix very well." Gidget: "But Madame is not like that, she loves cats, and I'm sure she'll love you too." O'Malley: "Well... guess we'll find out tomorrow." Tommy couldn't help but noticed that O'Malley and Duchess looked sad for some reason, and so did the mew girl. Gidget: "Duchess, I can hear your thoughts, don't think that you and O'Malley will never see each other again." Duchess: "I know... it's just... I wish that I could stay with O'Malley, and perhaps my kittens could have a father... but I can't leave Madame either." Tommy: "Oh... that is a hard choice to make." Gidget: "You know... that got me thinking... what happened to the kittens' dad?" Duchess: "There was... a road accident and..." Gidget: "Oh... I see... I'm very sorry..." Duchess: "It's alright, I managed to take care of them so far." little did Duchess and the others knew at the time, that Marie and her brothers heard the whole thing, and they felt a little disappointed. Toulouse: "Well... we almost had a father..." Berlioz: "Yeah..." Marie: "Poor Momma... and poor Mr O'Malley..." said the kittens, as they went back to bed. As soon as Tommy and Gidget got to bed with the kittens, Tommy was wondering if he would be accepted by Madame like she was to Gidget, before going to sleep. Duchess goes back inside the building to get some sleep, while O'Malley stays out and watches the moon in the sky.

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