25. Big mission info. 

Mulai dari awal

Rinji and Mirio quickly and simultaneously nodded in agreement, and they understood if they spoke about this mission with anyone else they would be good as dead.

" OK good..." he said as he pushed up his glasses and pushed the remote button to turn on the screen on the board...

"Both of you have probably heard about underground fighting rings.. since they have been on the news here and there.."

Both of them quickly nodded as they continue listening to their teacher, and looking at the pictures that was on the board.

"We have located one... When I say we, I have teamed up with another hero they have infiltrated this certain underground fighting ring.... They are undercover as a fighter in the fighting ring. We've also found out that the "watchers." People that pay to inner to watch and to bet they are most likely wealthy powered, and highly influenced in the government."

"Underground fighting rings are illegal in Japan... not just because of the violence and quirk use but also many deaths, drug use, kidnapping, and owning people like slaves." Bubble girl added.

"Yes because of kidnapping, we believe that the underground fighting rings are connected to a lot of missing people around the country and even from other countries... the other hero that is undercover has been there for a few months now, but the reason why we want to move in now is because he has released information that there is a boy around both of your ages and he is basically fighting for his life."

"So we're looking at most likely a kidnapping with this boy? Do we know who he is?" Rinji asked

" Yes and we don't know who he is all we know is it seems like he's not in the missing persons database, and from what I gathered, the boy is heavily scarred, and if he keeps on going like this, we will have one less person to save if we don't jump on this quickly..." Nighteye replied...

"So what are we going to do in this mission?" Mirio quickly asked.

Centipeder stepped forward to explain... "We have came up with a plan that it will be easier for us to infiltrate the inside, instead of going in full force from the outside... this way, we will have better luck to save more and also capture the people that are running in the underground fighting ring in the watchers before they escape... with these pictures that we have gotten, there are a secret exits that they'll probably try to use and we will designate different heroes for each exit..."

"Yes because it's a large mission I have asked help from other heroes... everyone is going to be undercover basically and then that's where you two come in... I believe since both of you are close to his age, he may trust you a whole lot more because honestly we don't know how he got into the situation, most likely from my older party got him into this mess.... We believe that another fighter is a bigger influence on him..."

Nighteye said as he pushed the remote to reveal a picture of a alligator man for the boys to see...

"The boy is mostly seen with him... but to get both of you in we are going to change your looks a little bit and play off that you work for me."

"So we're going to be in the fighting ring?" Mirio asked to make sure.

"Yes if it comes to it, I believe you two will be OK... which I hope it doesn't come down to that. We just need you to be close to the boy and get him to a safe area before all of this stuff goes down." Nighteye stated as he pushed up his glasses once more.

"ALRIGHT!!!!!" Mirio yelled out as he stood up making Rinji slightly jump, since he was not expecting the outburst.

Mirio quickly turned to the new first year with excitement!! " Let's do our best!!!!"

To some people, it seem just like a normal average mission, but we had no idea what was waiting for us in the secret underground fighting ring especially me....

I don't even think, sir Nighteye saw it coming...

Bonus: the moment when Nighteye was looking for heroes to team up with for this big mission...

Meanwhile, at Jem's agency

Jem and her two new interns were going over some papers and she was explaining what heroes did after they completed a job.. but suddenly she gets a phone call at her desk... when she answers it, she was greeted with the voice of Nighteye...

" Hello Jem I hope you're doing well and I hope I did not catch you at a bad time..."

"Yes I'm doing well thank you Nighty and it's a good time to talk.."

Momo slightly looked up after she heard her say Nighty... was she talking to sir, Nighteye... that's the hero that Rinji is interning with wonder why he's calling?...

"Well, you probably know why I'm calling. I was wondering if you would be interested in grouping up with me and a few other heroes on this top mission of mine..."

" oh, you're talking about that mission I remember I received the information this morning as well but I'm probably going to have to pass it up... you know with my quirk... I could really danger some people in those close spaces and also I'm interning two UA students right now... and I don't think it would be a good idea for me to take that job...

" that's understandable and you make good points..."

" wait a minute!... she loudly said, but then lowered her voice, hoping that Kendo or Yaoyorozu did not hear her... " are you going to let Rinji go on this mission as well?..."

" yes, I am. I think he will be a good asset to this mission... because he was a part of Class 1A during the USJ attack I know those students have went through a lot, and I think he can handle himself with this... if it makes you feel better, I promise I'll take good care of him..."

" OK since you promised I trust you and I appreciate you letting me know and I'm sorry again for not joining...."

" no worries thank you again and good luck on your internships...."

They both hung up the phone and Jem placed her hand on her head and released a big sigh... getting the attention of her two interns... "Jem? Is everything OK?" Momo asked, with slight worry in her tone...

" oh yes, sorry about that. I had to turn down a job. How about we take a break and go on patrolling...

Momo and Kendo quickly agreed with excitement...

My hero academia: Dawn Of The Metal PhoenixTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang