The move

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I looked for my love
I seeked and never found
Far away from me she left
With my heart around her chest
She left with a part of me
Never again to see

John's POV

I tried to look for her, but I couldn't find her. I just wanted to see her just to check if she was okay. I accept she isn't mine anymore but I just wanted to see if she's happy.

I went to her house but found no one. It seemed deserted. It was only yesterday she got married why wasn't she here.

"Wasn't it enough to live with to he fact that she was married to someone else now I had to live without knowledge of her whereabouts"

She's with my heart though I can't trace her. At that point I knew I had to forget and move on but can I ???

Anna's POV

After the wedding, Lucius arranged for our move.

"I can't afford you running back to that bozo, you are already mine" He said while packing my bags.

I stared at him with pain in my heart. I knew it was best. Staying around here won't be of help. I knew I'll find myself running back to John's arms. I'm married now I should be faithful to Lucius even though I don't love him but I knew I'll grow to love him

"What about my parents??" I asked Lucius

"I bought them a house in a nice neighborhood far away from here, they can go with all your servants too" Lucius replied

"Ooh okay" I answered back

"I can't have anyone telling your stupid lover of our whereabouts because knowing that dumb fellow he'll come running to his death" Lucius continued

"His death??" I asked in fear

"You think I'll let him take you away from me. I rather take his life. I love you Anna and absolutely no one will change that" Lucius said coldly

"Yeah" I said in absolute fear

Soon we were all packed and ready to begin the journey to my new life

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