07: That's My Brother Krist, He Likes Punk Rock

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The atmosphere between Kurt and I tensed after my parents' decision. No more Spanish lessons or going out to Buzz's place together.

He went alone instead.

We still kept hanging out, but it wasn't the same. I had been here in Aberdeen for about four months. Rancho Cucamonga was now just a distant memory, a dream impossible to reach.

One day, as Kurt walked me home, we made conversation. "So, Robert told me to tell you that he invited us to his house," he said.

"I have to ask my parents," I reminded him. "That's fine," Kurt replied. "Shoot me a paper airplane if they agree."

"I'll throw you a rock if they don't," I joked. Kurt laughed. "You're going to owe me money if you break something," he joked back.

We said goodbye and went to our respective houses. I asked my mom since my dad was at work, and she eventually said yes, knowing that Kurt will be with me and keep me from making stupid decisions.

But she still doesn't know that I smoked cigarettes when we were at Buzz's apartment. And I intend to keep it that way.

Once she said yes, I thanked her, walked up to my room, and made a paper airplane. I opened my window and saw that Kurt's was open. I threw the paper airplane, and it went inside Kurt's room successfully. Kurt appeared, grinning ear to ear, and we both ran outside to meet each other.

Excitement filled the air as we headed to Robert's house, leaving behind the weight of recent restrictions. The forbidden allure of Buzz's apartment lingered in the shadows, a secret pact between Kurt and me. As we approached Robert's, I couldn't shake the feeling that this adventure might bring a new chapter to our strained friendship.

Once we arrived, Kurt knocked on the door, and Robert answered. "Hey, Kurt, Merci," he greeted. "Come on in."

As we walked inside, punk music blared faintly from upstairs. It reminded me of the music at Buzz's place. Kurt noticed it, too.

"Where's that music coming from?" Kurt asked. "That's my brother Krist," Robert replied. "He likes punk rock."

The three of us went upstairs, and Robert went inside his brother's room as Kurt and I stood in the doorway. "Yo, Krist," Robert said. "I want you to meet some friends of mine, Merci and Kurt."

I recognized him immediately. He's the super tall guy in the hallways. People make fun of him now instead of me. I mean, I don't wish that upon anyone, but at least I could catch a break from the bullying now.

And now that I actually get to see him up close, he's definitely very cute, a close second to Kurt.

Krist looked up from whatever he was doing, offering a friendly nod. The punk music continued to pulse through the room, creating a lively atmosphere.

"Nice to meet you both," Krist said, his voice surprisingly gentle for someone with such a towering presence. Kurt and I exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the shift in dynamics.

"Hi," I said, awkwardly taking this moment in. Krist kept his eyes fixated on me. I couldn't help but blush.

Kurt, on the other hand, glared at me, then at Krist, and kept doing so. It was as if he was jealous but keeping his cool.

The tension in the room was palpable, with unspoken feelings lingering in the air. Krist gestured towards the cluttered couch, inviting us to sit.

As we settled in, the conversation flowed, blending stories of school and shared interests. It became evident that Krist wasn't just the intimidating figure in the hallway; he was a person with depth and a passion for music.

Kurt's jealousy became more apparent, but he managed to maintain a facade of casual engagement. As the evening progressed, Krist suggested playing some records, and the room filled with the raw energy of punk rock.

Caught in the rhythm of the music, I found myself enjoying the company of both Kurt and Krist, albeit in different ways. The dynamics between us shifted once again, creating a complex interplay of emotions.

Hours passed, and Robert excused himself, leaving the three of us alone. Krist leaned back, looking at me with a subtle smile. "You know," he said, "I've seen you around school. You seem different from the others."

I blushed, feeling a mix of flattery and awkwardness. Kurt's gaze intensified, his protective instincts kicking in. The room became a battleground of unspoken emotions.

The night unfolded with shared laughter, stolen glances, and the magnetic pull of conflicting feelings. As we left Robert's house, the brisk night air seemed charged with unresolved tension.

Back on the familiar path home, Kurt broke the silence. "What was that all about?" he asked, his tone a mixture of curiosity and frustration.

"Nothing, Kurt. Just a new friendship," I replied, attempting to downplay the significance. But the unspoken truth lingered - our friendship triangle had taken an unexpected turn, and the dynamics between Kurt, Krist, and me had become a delicate balancing act.

Suddenly, he pulled me behind an abandoned spot, pinned me to the wall, and planted a kiss on my lips. I had waited for this moment ever since I met him. I gave up seeing him as a lover and more as a friend, and now I have no idea how to react.

My heart raced, and my palms were sweaty. "Sorry," he said, letting me go.

"No need to apologize," I stammered, my mind still processing the unexpected kiss. Kurt's eyes searched mine for a reaction, and I mustered a weak smile.

"Things have been weird lately, Merci," Kurt confessed, his guard dropping. "I just... I don't want to lose you." His vulnerability resonated with me, and I reached for his hand, offering reassurance.

"Kurt, you won't lose me," I assured him. "But we need to figure out where we stand, especially after tonight."

He nodded, a mix of relief and uncertainty in his expression. As we continued our walk home, the weight of unspoken emotions lingered. The triangle of friendship had evolved into a complex web, leaving us to navigate its intricacies.

Little did I know, the events of that night marked the beginning of a journey filled with twists and turns, testing the bonds of friendship and love. The choices we made in the days ahead would shape our relationships and redefine the dynamics between Kurt, Krist, and me.

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