Chapter 12: What happened after becoming a runaway

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Previously on "

"Dedenei! Nei!"

The two electric types hug each other for bit until they let of one another, as Raichu then turns to Piplup who also had tears in his eyes, but his pride wouldn't let him run to Raichu, so he crosses his arms and puffed his cheeks

Piplup: Pip!

Raichu: Rai *sighs and walks up to Piplup giving him a hug* Raichu Rai

It took Piplup a bit, but he soon started to busts into tears and hug Raichu back, so Raichu kept a calm face and hugged Piplup, and after they finished the hug Raichu took Piplup and Dedenne to Pawmot, Greninja and Charizard, so they join them

Max: I really can't believe that's Raichu is actually Pikachu

Bonnie: Yeah *turns to Ash* I thought Pikachu hated the mere thought of evolving into Raichu

Everyone turns to Ash who heard what the two, so a sad sigh left his lips as he puts down the fork and knife and holds his hands together

Ash: That's . . . . . one of things that happened in the years that I went missing

Mallow: Well we're all here now, so umm do you mind telling us why you disappeared

Ash: I-I well—

May: You owe us that much

Brock: May

May: I know Brock, but I know even you're curious about what happened

Cilan: You don't have to say it like that though, let him take his own pace

Barry: No, May's right, his been gone for too long without telling nothing to us, we at least have to know why this happen

Alain: *clenches fist* Watch you're tongue there Barry

Barry: You know I'm right!

Dawn: Barry calm down

Ash: No their right *sighs* I owe you guys an explanation and the hole story

???: Then you wouldn't mind us listening to it would you?

Everyone hears a familiar voice and turns to see the other champions, plus Scott and Charles

Cynthia: I believe this is something we all want to hear

Ash: *nods* Alright, fair warning though this is a long story

Delia: *places her hand on his shoulder* We have all the time in the world to listen

Serena: *places her hand on his other shoulder* So don't worry, we're just worried and want to know what's going on, so please Ash . . . tell us why you left

Ash looks at them both and nods again but towards them, as he looks at everyone and takes a deep breath

Ash: Okay, so it starts like this . . . . . .

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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