Chapter 5 - All the King's Wives

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The royal nursery, despite its name evoking feelings of warmth, the smell of baby powder and images of pastel decorations, only really had one of those things. The three little eggs that called it home for the duration of their incubation sat half-buried in piles of volcanic soil and ash on the floor, their separate heating lamps being the only light sources in the room. Though the soil and ash appeared fresh, as evident by the strong smell exuding from each pile, the lamps looked as if they'd been there for ages.

Kirsa sat beside her own egg, which held an iridescent yellow hue.

"Did King Bowser at least hear you out before he started shouting?" Kirsa sighed and cast a sympathetic glance to the queen.

"He was seconds from needlessly killing another one of his soldiers," Vesper wiped her face with the back of her glove and slowly approached Kirsa. "And then got angry because I'm hesitant to let him hold our son."

Kirsa gasped, jumped to her feet and frantically looked over both Vesper and Ludwig.

"Did he hurt you?" She gently removed one of the queen's gloves and examined her wrist before turning to Ludwig. "How about the baby?"

"No, no! Nothing like that, but I appreciate your concern." Vesper smiled. "Ludwig was spooked when Bowser punched through a wall in front of him, but he's okay."

Kirsa closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Thank the stars."

"Why? Has he..." Vesper paused. "has our husband ever hit you?"

Kirsa paused for a moment and walked back to her egg.

"Never, actually." The egg's jagged shell shimmered under her touch. "There were times when I thought he would, but he has always managed to stop himself or redirect his anger elsewhere."

Vesper walked over to where Kirsa and the egg were settled and sat next to them.

"I've seen the same from him." Vesper admitted and set her son directly between herself and Kirsa.

"I think that, although the two had much in common, he's afraid of becoming his father." Kirsa explained.

Ludwig reached out to touch the egg. He lightly patted it with his hands and babbled to it as if he, too, was engaged in conversation.

"Bowser isn't afraid of anything." Vesper snorted.

"As you said earlier, I've known him longer," Kirsa sighed. "so I know that isn't the case."

Kirsa chuckled as she watched Ludwig interact with the egg.

"Your Majesty—"

"Vesper." The queen quickly corrected her fellow sister wife. "P-Please. Call me Vesper."

Shock danced across Kirsa's features for a moment, but she smiled and nodded.

"Vesper, um... remind me again how your little one's name is pronounced?" She turned back to Ludwig. "F-Forgive me, I mean no offense by it, it— it's just not a name I've seen before."

"None taken!" Vesper giggled. "It's pronounced LOOT-vik."

Kirsa repeated the pronunciation softly to herself a few times until it sounded close to Vesper's. Vesper nodded.

"Everywhere I've lived, I've always been a foreigner," She explained. "but I wanted my son to carry a piece of my culture with him throughout his life."

"Your Maj— Vesper," Kirsa corrected herself. "I think that's wonderful."

Kirsa glanced between Ludwig and Vesper.

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