Chapter 10: The Race

Start from the beginning

"Nervous?" Natalie asked me.

"I just hate the fact that she's been to more than one of these by herself." I said in a huff. "I can't get over the fact that she didn't tell me."

Natalie took my hand. "You're here now, that's all that matters."

I nodded. "Yeah I guess so."

We watched as the different groups took their places behind the starting line. I saw Quinn bouncing from one foot to the other. She was smiling and talking with the other girls. When she noticed us she waved.

"I feel like we should've made a sign or something." Natalie said with a giggle.

I chuckled. "Quinn would not have liked that. Although, I love embarrassing her."

The girls took their mark, Quinn becoming more serious, like she did when we raced. These kids were in for a surprise.

A guy stood in the middle of the track and raised the starting gun. He shot it off into the air and everyone took off. I watched as Quinn took off.

"Wow she is really fast." Natalie said, watching her.

I smiled, feeling proud of my sister. She wasn't at the very front, but she was near the group at the front. She kept telling me before that it is about endurance. I think that means not to use all your stamina at once.

"Quinn said that the winning part isn't really who won the race." I said to Natalie.


I chuckled and looked down at my girlfriend. She just sounded so curious, it was cute.

"Yeah all the girls in her group get a score." I explained. "They add them all up and whoever has the lowest score wins. Like mini golf or bowling."

Haley giggled and looked up at me. "I love mini golf."

I chuckled and scooped her up. "Well maybe we can go sometime."

She laid her head on my shoulder. I smiled and noticed Natalie looking at us again.


She shook her head, but still had a look on her face. I looked back at the race. We couldn't really see Quinn anymore since they were now farther down the track.

"Quinn said they are going to end where they started, so do you want to wait here?" I asked Natalie.

Natalie nodded and looked to Haley. "I brought your hat, Haley. Are you cold?"

She shook her head and wrapped her arms around my neck making both Natalie and I laugh.

It only took a little less than twenty minutes for us to start seeing runners in the distance. We moved closer to the finish line. People were cheering on the runners as they zoomed past us.

"Yeah Quinn!" Natalie yelled, clapping.

I whistled and clapped too. Haley even clapped when she heard Natalie yelling. Quinn didn't look at us, she just looked straight on to the finish line with a determined look. Natalie and I cheered even harder.

We jogged over to the finish line so we could see her finish. She was breathing hard and even though it was chilly, her blond hair clung to her face from the sweat.

Natalie was the first to approach her, helping her and leading away from the area behind the finish line.

"That was amazing Quinn." Natalie said. "Do you need to sit down?"

Quinn shook her head and tried to calm her breathing.

I put my hand on her shoulder. "You did great."

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