
16 1 2

Caroline Keene had a very complicated life for a sixteen girl.

When she was born, her father left the hospital and never really appeared in her life. He was an alcoholic who didn't really show any support. He didn't even pay child support for her or her brother Robby.

Robby was her twin brother. They had a complicated relationship growing up. Dealing with twins, her mother wasn't exactly the best.

Her mom would spend all her days and nights going on dates with random men that she found at the bar. She'd always bring them home and yk what.

Her brother wasn't exactly the best either. By the time he became a teenager and went through puberty he was a real pain. He skates on his skateboard and eventually he joined a gang. Every job he has he steals from to get money.

Caroline was truly the only good person in the family that actually cared about her future. Maybe watching her mother and knowing what her father was like encouraged her to actually do something with her life.

But Caroline works a job and gets good grades. Maybe it's to cover up all the family problems she has. Maybe studying and working was covering up her void like her dad covers his with alcohol.

It was already worst for her after hearing her dad was Johnny Lawrence. The teenager who did karate.

But once Johnny decided to open up the dojo, Cobra Kai, that's when everything changed for the young teen girl.

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