The Grimoire Hero: Azrael

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(Author's note: This story idea was a collaboration between me and SethTDW. I would like to thank SethTDW for helping me not only come up with this story but also develop and decide some of the core elements of the story such as Izuku's power, the title of the story, and the ship.)

Universe: My Hero Academia

Name: Izuku Black, formerly Izuku Yagi

Quirk: None

Power: EvoMimicry

(Author's Note: Full description of Izuku's power for this story is provided in the book titled File Entries by SethTDW. The URL address for the chapter in said book that describes EvoMimicry is provided below. For some reason, Wattpad is having issues when I try to copy and paste the direct link to the page.)

Ship: Izuku x Harem, Main: Kiniko Komori

Description of Story Idea: Izuku Yagi was living the dream life and could not wait to discover his quirk and begin his journey to be a hero. However, Izuku would soon learn that it takes only one word, one cursed word, to turn one's life in this world filled with heroes from a pleasant dream to a terrible nightmare.


After his quirkless diagnosis, everything seemed to take a turn for the absolute worse for Izuku. His mother, who still supported his son's dream to be a hero, soon started being sent on overseas missions one after another after being recommended by All Might to be the Hero Public Safety Commision's representative in international conflicts after she rose to number 2 in the hero rankings. As a result, Izuku barely saw his supportive mother figure anymore. His sister Izumi, who also still supported her twin brother's dream and even vowed to her brother that they would become heroes together, was soon sent off to a boarding school for prodigious and gifted students in Tokyo, Japan, by her father, Toshinori, who insisted that his gifted daughter have the best education possible to prepare her for a successful career as a pro-heroine. Izuku and Izumi would communicate via letters to stay in touch with each other, and based on the letters Izumi received from her twin brother, it seemed that his life back in Musutafu with Toshinori was going great, however, little did Izumi know it was the exact opposite.

Izuku's life at school became an absolute hell as his childhood friend, Katsuki Bakugo, not only turned his back on Izuku but also began to verbally and physically torment Izuku as he found Izuku's very existence and association with him disgusting and a roadblock on his path to become the next number 1 hero. If that was not bad enough, Bakugo spread the news of Izuku's quirklessness to everyone in their school to show Izuku that a "quirkless freak" like him does not belong anywhere in a world filled with quirks. Due to Bakugo's actions, Izuku soon became the school's laughing stock and punching bag. It was rough, and Izuku was hoping to find some escape from this misery at home. Unfortunately for Izuku, it would be just as cruel, if not worse, at home. His once supportive father, Toshinori, now turned cruel, ignorant, negligent, and abusive. Izuku was given no food, and his bedroom was replaced with a cold and dark basement. He would soon find himself on the receiving end of his father's anger for more days than he can count, as Toshinori soon began to beat Izuku whenever something was not going how it should in his life. In Toshinori's eyes, Izuku became something inhuman that could bring shame to the legacy that he has built through his work. Worst for Izuku is that he could not even vent about his hell on Earth as his now abusive father threatened him with death if he told anyone, including his mother and twin sister, about his abuse, even going as far as forging Izuku's letters to Izumi to ensure that Izuku was not telling Izumi anything.

Even with all this pain and suffering, Izuku would seemingly find one source of happiness in the form of Malty Melomarc, a girl that Izuku met during his first year of Aldera Junior High who asked him to be her boyfriend after he seemingly saved her from Bakugo and his friends during their first year. The relationship seemed to be going smoothly. However, reality would prove to be cruel and disappointing as one day, seemingly every boy, girl, and even teacher ganged up on Izuku after apparently hearing a rumor that Izuku abused Malty during their last date, only for it to be revealed by Bakugo and Malty that her dating Izuku was all a set up to break Izuku's spirit which Bakugo attempted to finish off once and for all by telling Izuku that if wants a quirk so bad then he should take a swan dive off a roof and prey for a quirk in the next life. After delivering those cruel words to Izuku, Bakugo and Malty laughed and exited the school, leaving Izuku beaten and heartbroken.

As Izuku was walking back after that particularly terrible day at Aldera, he was suddenly transported by a portal appearing underneath his feet to what looked like an abandoned warehouse. Before Izuku could even process what was happening, he was knocked out by a man wearing a black mask. When Izuku wakes up, he finds himself chained to the floor with quirk-cancelling cuffs. As he looks around, his eyes widen in horror not only because villains currently surround him but also because he sees his twin sister, Izumi, restrained as well. As the siblings wonder what is going on, one of the villains runs in and informs the man in the black mask, who is revealed to be AFO, that All Might is quickly approaching the warehouse. Upon hearing this, AFO chuckles and states that the plan to take OFA from All Might by holding his two kids hostage will be successful. This revelation confuses both Izuku and Izumi, especially Izuku, who refuses to believe that the same Symbol of Peace that he has respected for so long is his neglectful and abusive father. However, AFO would soon clear those doubts when he showed the two green-haired kids a video of Toshinori training Katsuki Bakugo, revealing to the ash-blond boy that he is the Symbol of Peace and wants the explosion user to become his successor.

Izumi was shocked that her father is the number 1 hero in Japan. She turned to face Izuku, expecting to see a similar response from her brother, but her eyes widened when she found Izuku glaring at the monitor with a face that was burning with fury. Before Izumi could question why Izuku was reacting like this, the front walls of the warehouse crumbled down as All Might arrived on the scene. Upon discovering that his old nemesis was the culprit of the kidnapping, AFO presented his terms: either surrender OFA and save both of his children or only save one and leave the other to die a painful death. Though to the shock of AFO, All Might immediately responded by saying he would save Izumi and they could have Izuku. Izumi's eyes widened in shock at her father's decision. AFO, in an attempt to persuade All Might to rethink his current actions, had one of his henchmen begin using his quirk to electrocute Izuku. However, All Might did not change his mind as he quickly grabbed Izumi and prepared to leave. All the while, Izumi was yelling at her father, asking why he was not trying to save her brother, only for All Might to reply by saying, "That thing is not your brother." Izumi was horrified by this statement from her father, but before she could respond. She heard a screeching yell from Izuku that was not one of pain but unadulterated anger.

Suddenly, the electricity that was zapping Izuku was absorbed into Izuku's body. Izuku soon began emitting a dark aura surrounding his body, and in a sudden burst of strength, Izuku broke free from his chains. Izumi began to notice words of a different language being etched onto Izuku's now exposed and scarred upper body. Izuku then pulled a large sword from the dark aura enshrouding his hand. Before the villains could even process what was happening, Izuku screeched again in primal fury as he began incapacitating villains left and right. Any quirk the villains launched at Izuku, Izuku's new blade completely neutralized it. Realizing it would be best to retreat, for now, AFO flees.

After a minute, Izuku has knocked out every villain in the warehouse. He then points his newly acquired sword at his abusive father and says with a voice laced with venom.

"Your turn, Toshinori!"

As Toshinori glares at his son like he is a villain or a monster, Izumi can only look at Izuku with concerned eyes as one thought goes through her head.

"What happened to you, Onii-chan?"

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