Luke had arranged to drive Cassie back home. She had not spoken a single word since leaving the hospital; somewhat in a catatonic state of shock as they drove past mountain peaks and buildings along the way. The route, too familiar for her liking.

Cassie got snapped out of her haze by the sound of the engine turning off, still groggy she opened the car door; Luke assisting with the bags in the trunk.

Facing the porch, she looked and saw her mother; a black veil covering her head. Her hands clasped to her heart.

That's when she broke, quickly making her way to her mom as she threw her hands around her neck. Painful sobs coming out of each of the women's mouths as they grieved in unison.

They funeral had felt swift, a blur of crying and random strangers saying each of their condolences to her. The candle light flickering ever so slightly among the grass. Cassie's throat felt raw, too scared to speak for the fear of finally breaking her fried vocal chords.

The snow littered the ground in a field of white as grieving figures stood in front of the open grave, snowflakes cascading their way down to the ground; casting an ever, depressing scene.

Luke held Cassie's hand as she sobbed on his shoulder, feeling every wrecked sob that escape her mouth.

In no time, flowers were placed. Footprints of the people who once were there spread out through the snowy expanse, the black wearing figures all slowly filtering out leaving only three.

"Dad wanted to offer his condolences" Luke pulled out an envelope, bowing his head as he offered it to Cassie's mom. She shook her hand to try and deny, but Luke insisted.

"It's the least we can do" he reasoned, looking at his side to see Cassie, red-eyed and staring down at her feet.

"Thank you, Luke" Cassie's mom grasped his shoulder reassuringly, walking back to the car.

The two soon followed, the night sky fell upon them as their car made its way back to their home. Luke had been welcomed to stay in one of the guest rooms at the house, of which he was all but grateful for.

He was about to settle down in his room when suddenly, Cassie appeared from the top of the stairs; gesturing her hands to show him something. They went upstairs to look at an empty room, Cassie went inside to get something. In the meantime, he observed the nearby pictures that decorated their hallway; seeing Cassie's each milestone since then.

She walked out of the room with a wooden board.

"I'm assuming this belongs to you?" she said, handing him the canvas. He turned it over, grazing his eyes on the painting he had took of her, as best as a 12-year-old can do.

He laughed, "You kept it all this time?" he asked.

"Now why would I throw away such a masterpiece?" she answered, observing the painting feeling like the moment he gave it to her was a lifetime ago.


"No! Let me go!" Patricia screamed as the nuns dragged her to the basement, slapping her face as she struggled against their grips going down the stairs.

The sisters threw her in small, windowless room. A singular cross placed in the middle of the wall. She looked around, nervously looking around to see if she could escape her narrow demise inside with the nuns.

Sister Georgina forcedly made her kneel, and pulled her hair back; her line of vision directly facing the direction of the wooden cross.

"Pray and repent your sins, child!" The other nun, Sister Marie, shouted down at the little girl.

Patricia ignored her, glaring at her in disgust before spitting at her feet; making the woman jump away in shock.
A slap echoed through the room as Sister Georgina slapped her cheek once again.

A few moments had passed, but she refused to budge. Now donning bruises on her eyes, cheeks and a slip lip. Sister Georgina screamed in annoyance, slamming her to the concrete floor in anger.

"Compose yourself, sister"

The entrance door to the room opened revealing Sister Ruth, she was wearing a black version of the usual uniforms they wore everyday. She walked into the room, a menacing aura surrounding her.

"Still acting tough, huh?" she badgered Patricia, kneeling down and putting a finger on her chin to raise the bruised girl to look into her eyes.

She pulled her chin closer, whispering something that struck fear into Patricia's heart for the first time.

"Your screams will turn into prayers, once we're done with you"

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