Chapter 11 - Geopolitical Recommendations

Start from the beginning

The Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry requested to speak.

"The impact has already been felt. While trade within the Third Civilization Area remains healthy, global logistics are starting to stagnate. Maritime insurance premiums are soaring, and there are negative effects even on direct trade with Mu. Domestic consumption is also starting to decline."

The Minister of Foreign Affairs also requested a statement.

"There are diplomatic repercussions as well. Some countries around the Second Civilization Area are starting to seek the Gra Valkas Empire's protection. Even in the Central World, the influence of Mirishial is diminishing. The world order so far is crumbling."

The collapse of order was the least desirable outcome.

"The METI estimates that the economic losses suffered by the Holy Mirishial Empire exceed 10 trillion yen."

"The Holy Mirishial Empire has lost half of its fleet strength. They are now struggling with their own defense, and it is believed they have no resources left to deploy troops to other countries."

Reports came in from the ministers. In the midst of this, the Foreign Minister's secretary entered and handed a note to the minister.

"Prime Minister, the Gra Valkas Empire has proposed a ceasefire to the Holy Mirishial Empire."

The conference room made noises in unison.

"What do you think are the Gra Valkas Empire's true intentions?"

The Foreign Minister could not answer the Prime Minister's question immediately. Instead, the Minister of Defense spoke.

"It seems they want to isolate the Holy Mirishial Empire from our country and Mu and make it easier for them to invade the Second Civilization Area."

The conference room became even more tumultuous.

"That's not good," the Prime Minister pondered. "If Mirishial declares neutrality and blocks the maritime routes, the logistics between our country and Mu will be cut off. All our efforts so far will be in vain."

"That's like the Holy Mirishial Empire declaring to relinquish the title of the world's strongest to the Gra Valkas Empire. They surely wouldn't make such a decisive move."

While the Foreign Minister showed optimism, it lacked convincing power.

The Defense Minister proposed, "Prime Minister, how about relaxing the technology export control laws for Mirishial as well? If we provide them with anti-submarine weapons, we can keep them tied to our side."

"Will it be that easy?" questioned the Minister of Education.

"Mu is a mechanical civilization, so we could stand on equal ground. But Mirishial's civilization is built upon magic. It's questionable whether communication will be effective."

The discussion continued.


In a corner of Ragna, a secret meeting was taking place.

"Admiral Caesar has once again started talking about something funny."

"Not Admiral. Marshal-Admiral," corrected Ordaika, the Deputy Secretary of the Sovereign Office, countering the words of Elchirgo from the Carsline Company.

"Did His Majesty also show displeasure at the Marshal-Admiral's words?"

"But His Majesty gave him the Marshal's baton. Now only His Majesty can command him. He's in the navy and has gained absolute power."

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