Chapter 12 - Totally accurate combat simulation

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Your POV:

For the first time in a really long time, I woke up without any screams outside or something unexpectedly blowing up. As I made it to the main room along with everyone else, we saw SCPs preparing a lot of equipment, which looked extremely similar to the one used in a simulation competition. SCP-682 was sitting on his place, smiling maliciously, with an enormous bucket of popcorn next to him. A few minutes after we entered the room, Siggurós finished preparing all the equipment, and it looked like there was enough of those machines for every single one of us.

- Please tell me it will be virtual reality games, please tell me it is going to be something fun... - Amanda spoke silently, while C'thulu approached her with a smile:

- Ah, Ama! - He said before gently patting her back with a few of his tentacles. - Good to see you!

- C'thulu, do you have any information you'd like to share with us before the competition begins? - She asked him, while he just shrugged.

- Siggurós will explain everything in a few seconds, but what I can tell you... Expect to be forced to work as a team. - He responded before leaving, while 239 started describing the next challenge.

All of us would be put inside those machines and sent to a simulated virtual environment, with enough weapons and ammunition to last us for the entire competition. Our goal was capturing strategical points, and if anyone got killed, they would get re-spawned in the simulation after ten minutes.

There was a total of 100 strategic points, and in order to win all of them had to be captured. Furthermore, at the beginning they wouldn't even be in our hands, so we had to conquer them ourselves, remembering they were filled with simulated enemies which were heavily based on science-fiction zombies.

However, for some unknown to us reason, this entire competition was worth only a single point, even though it was probably the longest one. It didn't matter though, because we didn't plan to lose this one, especially with MTFs having military training which was far more difficult than what regular military does.

As we entered the machine, it slowly closed, and we felt a quick impulse going through our bodies which sent us to the virtual environment. Both teams were separated from each other, but team members appeared in the same spot. While I was slowly adapting to this new environment, MTFs already started distributing the weapons and arguing between one another about who is going to take tanks and air planes. Luckily, their commander quickly took control over the situation and began explaining the plan:

- Alright you loud ass buffoons! - She yelled and quickly got all of our staff and other MTFs in order. - There is around 200 of us, so we are going to split into five groups, which will be known as Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Epsilon. I will take care of team Alpha, Lieutenants John, Peter, Alice and Gabriel will respectively take care of teams Beta, Gamma, Delta and Epsilon. I am giving you all two minutes to split yourselves into five groups and join your leaders, who are going to lead you to the victory, by initiating plan Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo Yankee Oscar Uniform on our enemies!

At this moment most of the MTFs and guards started giggling, while the rest of us took a bit longer to understand the true meaning of this plan. Along with my friends I have decided to join the team Epsilon, who was being commanded by Lieutenant Gabriel, who gathered all of us and began explaining the plan.

- Like Commander Elise already said, we will initiate plan Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo Yankee Oscar Uniform on those D-boys. To those unaware how this plan works, it means a swift, complete annihilation of the entire enemy force using all legal ways to do it. - He said while Amanda responded with a smile:

- Und wenn die Journalisten uns nicht sehen, nehmen wir den Flammenwerfer, ja? - Amanda spoke in a German accent which made all of us laugh, while the lieutenant had to try extremely hard not to burst out laughing.

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