Chapter 8 - Follow the recipe and you will (probably) be fine

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Your POV:

We woke up earlier than usual because Abel had been searching for games for SCP-053, but instead of getting them through a legitimate website, he used some shady forums, downloaded a virus and infected 079's hosting computer by accident. Thankfully it wasn't connected to anything else except for a single television screen, but because Siggurós went away to do something, SCPs had to use more classical methods than reality bending to save their friend and prevent the virus from spreading, which, as it turned out, was a RAT, also known as Remote Access Trojan, giving the attacker full access to the computer.

After a short quarrel, SCP-682 unwillingly agreed to give three of our IT technicians access to his friend's host, and because of his screaming at them to save him faster, almost nobody was able to fall asleep again, and thus most of us decided to get this over with and went to the challenge room, while the IT department slowly removed all the backdoors and reversed the changes done by the virus and the attacker, while also giving Abel a lesson about how not to download things from the Internet.

Forty-five minutes after our anomalous AI regained complete control over the computer, SCP-239 came back and started announcing the next competition:

- Sorry for a small delay everyone, but I had to do something important... - She apologized and began explaining the competition. - Each team shall choose a squad of four, who is going to participate in this cooking competition.

At this point SCP-953 gave me a thumbs up, as the tip from her turned out to be true.

- You will prepare three dishes, and you will have a generous ninety minutes to prepare each one. The first meal is going to be the entrée, another one will be the main course, and the last one is going to be a dessert. Additionally, each dish will be judged by a different person. The maximum amount of points you can score is 3, and every judge is choosing a dish which will get the point. Judged can be quality of the food, taste, texture, serving method and overall appearance. Your first judge is going to be Abel, all ingredients are in the kitchen, good luck everybody! - 239 spoke before teleporting somewhere else once again.

Because we have already chosen our team yesterday, we immediately ran to the kitchen and started thinking about what to prepare. We had one and a half hour for the dish, but at the same time we didn't want to do something, which would take all of our time. After discussing it with Amanda, Diana and Leif, we immediately grabbed the ingredients and started preparing it.

First, me and Leif decided to peel some potatoes, while Diana and Amanda started searching for some wooden skewers. Even though there were almost all possible ingredients, finding the utensils was an absolute nightmare, but ultimately they have found it as we finished peeling and cleaning our potatoes under cold water.

- Alright, what now? - Leif asked before adding: - Are we going to turn them into fries?

- Close. - I responded grabbed a knife. - We need to cut each one of these into rectangles, each one around half an inch thick.

- How much is that in centimetres? - Amanda asked while I answered:

- around 1.3 cm of thickness, we can't be that exact anyways.

We started cutting them, and after that we grabbed the skewers. We put two of them on two longer sides of those potato rectangles, and began making thin slices across them. First we did that the short way on one side, and then on both diagonals on the other side. By using those sticks we made sure not to cut all the way through, as they blocked the knife at an appropriate length of the cut.

After that, we put them into a pot filled with water, and began searching for a good quality meat. After a bit of running, we have found a fridge completely filled with steaks.

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