she grew up with very few friends, even into highschool. she didn't care nor mind though, and just continued exploring toxins and poisons. this is when Hope's Peak found her, and extended an invitation to join the school as ‘The Ultimate Toxicologist.’ she agreed and joined the school.

Extra: in dv2, her and Chiaki always get along due to them both being sleepyheads. she's actually a very kind person to those close to her. if she doesn't like you? she never will. sadly had an eating disorder.

Sally Face OC
name: Kuro Mlyn

age: a year younger than Sal

gender: non-binary, they/them

height: about 5’6, 5’8 later when everyone are adults

hair color: dyed a pink, originally hair color is dirty blonde

hair style: normally in a half-up half-down hairstyle, occasionally has it down when they're bored.

eye color: a deep silver

personality: the most extroverted person you will ever meet. they're very happy, kind, and helpful. however, they're still very overprotective of Sal in particular, for reasons :) very short attention span

love interest: Sal

Sexuality: queer as hell

birthday: December 3rd

Skin tone: coffee tan

clothing style: casual boy clothes all day long. normally in a hoodie they stole from Sal-

backstory: as a kid, their parents were often at work, which left them home alone. they didn't mind much, and found ways to entertain themselves. one day, their father was sick and staying home. they decided to try and make him some food.

that went bad quickly. their short attention span got them distracted, and they left the stove on. it soon set on fire. by the time they noticed, they were already being burnt. their father heard the commotion and ran out, quickly grabbing the wounded Kuro and running out of the house.

Kuro had suffered very bad burns, which forever scarred their face and body. the doctors ended up getting them a prosthetic mask to hide their scarred face. as they grew older, they eventually moved into the Addison apartments with their mom, their dad having passed away a year before. that's when they met Sal and Larry, soon becoming good friends with them.

Extra: has some fairly bad abandonment issues, and normally sticks around Sal or Larry because of it. they see Larry as an older brother, considering they never had any siblings. Sal and them quickly got along since they both have prosthetic masks. Mask Twins!

She-ra OC
name: Lynn Arrow

age: unknown

gender: genderfluid, mostly uses she/they though

height: 5’6

hair color: dark brown

hair style: boy-ish, messy, and very floofy

eye color: left eye is a blue and the right is gray

personality: also very extroverted, loves tinkering and building machines. very much like Entrapta-

love interest: yep, you guessed right, Entrapta.

Sexuality: Bi

birthday: May 21st

Skin tone: tanned

clothing style: just depends on how she's feeling at the moment

backstory: originally from the modern world, and loved watching She-ra. well, one night, she fell asleep. woke up in some forest. yup, she was isolated! or…however you spell it. ended up wandering before somehow coming across Entrapta’s place. the two soon became friends and whatnot. pretty simple backstory.

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