track 4

60 3 1

"Daisy, you are going to go right here, and Tobias will set you up." Teddy tells me.

"Great. Um, could I have a coke and rum by chance. Or a coke, if you don't have rum. Or just rum, if you don't have coke." I ask him

"Yeah."  Tobias says and heads out.

I sit my bag on the floor beside me.

"We're so happy to see you, Daisy." Karen tells me.

"Yeah. Thank you for having me, and you can call me Iris. Daisy is just my stage name." I tell her, but I'm hoping everyone hears.

I look through the booth to see Billy and Teddy engaged in a frustrating conversation.

Why does he have such a problem with me being here?

The door swings open.

"Okay. Let's do this." Billy says, and I find myself entranced by his voice, and he's not even singing yet.

I observe what he does, I've never been in a studio before. This is a first for me.

I grab the headphones, just like he does, trying not to glance at him so much so he doesn't think I'm a creep.

He then looks at me, "Did you want to talk through the song first, or?" He asks

I stumble a bit, "Oh, I'm fine, unless you have something you want to—"

"No, I'm fine." He cuts me off

What a Prick.

"Okay." I say adjusting these things on my head.

Tobias walks in and sets the drinks down on the stand.

"There. Prost." He says

"Thank you." I tell him

"And, um, yes, your volume will be right there." He points to a slider on the pad.

"Okay, got it." I say

"And Billy is on channel two." He adds

"Hello. Hello." I say into the mic as it cracks.

"Wow, that's a little too loud." I say, adjusting the slider down some

"Could we turn these off?" I ask Teddy

"Or just lower them a little." I say again,

"Yeah." The only response I get.

"Okay, Billy, can you give us a level, please?" Teddy asks him

"I don't know who I am"  He sings into the mic.

"Okay, that's good. And Iris?" He asks

"Baby, Baby, Baby" I sing into the mic, thrown off by Billy.

"Okay, let's get this started." He says

"This is "Honeycomb," take one."

The music starts and I look over at Billy, slightly nervous.

I take off my headset and tap him on the shoulder

He looks irritated, "What? What?" He asks me

"Do we need the audience?" I ask him

"You mean the band?" He asks gesturing over to them.

"They're looking right at me, I've never done this before, so I'm kinda fucking nervous, so yes, do we really need them here, right now?" I ask him, looking him straight in the eye.

He inhales, "Fine, whatever."

"Okay, "Honeycomb," take two." Teddy says

The music starts once again, and I take a sip of my rum.

Kill You To Try • Billy DunneWhere stories live. Discover now