Episode 5-B: Lying gets a paddling (Belle Pt2)

Start from the beginning

"Y-Yes daddy." Belle sniffled as she walked over to the nearest corner and parked her little button nose into it. Her hands went back to start rubbing at her clothed covered bottom knowing that in a few moments, her pants and panties were gonna be down at her ankles.

"Come here little one," her daddy finally said after what felt like an entirety to her little mind. She spun around to see him sitting on the couch with his arms crossed. "And bring your paddle over here as well, little one.".

Belle nodded her head as she walked over and took her paddle off the coffee table. It was made of a more lightweight wood that made it sting more and could be swung faster. Big Belle had tested it out on her own bottom when she first ordered it, having plans to save it for a future boyfriend or partner that would accept her little side. Now it was time to truly face it's sting in the hands of her daddy who had more skill spanking naughty girls than anyone should.

She squirmed a bit as down went her pajama pants and panties exposing her light pink bottom to the world once more. "Why is daddy gonna spank you?" He asked firmly.

"B-Because I was gonna waste food and I lied to daddy about it."

He nodded his before lifting her small frame up and draping her over his large lap. As he helped her get into position he seemed to break character for a split second. "Watermelon," a reminder of the safe word they had put into place. A word that any point would stop the spanking in its tracks.

Belle reached out and grabbed the same teddy as before and rested her chin against it. "I know," she whispered, clutching up a bit as her daddy patted her little backside with that paddle. Sending a brief reminder of her earlier spanking coursing through her body. He rubbed her back with one hand calming her nerves down and once she was calm, it was like an explosion of pain flowed through her body as he landed the first of what gonna be many strikes with this paddle on her upturned butt.

Smack, Smack, Smack, Smack, Smack!

That was all this sorry little girl heard as the paddle came down across both cheeks, it was big enough to do just that. Each spank made her bottom tremble and jiggle around with each and every swat that landed across her backside. The sting was not horrible or unbearable but it was enough to cause tears to start building in her eyes. She gripped her teddy with all she had to stop from reaching back to block a blow but her legs kicked back and forth as if she was trying to run away from this mean old paddle. He had an arm wrapped around waist keeping her locked firmly in place as she tried to squirm her little butt of out harm's way. However, nothing she did worked. She was gonna be trapped for however long her daddy thought she needed it.

Smack, Smack, Smack, Smack, Smack!

The first wave of sorries and pleading landed on deaf ears as that burn got worse and worse. Her hands were pinned to her back as she began to openly cry and beg for mercy, out came rivers of tears from her eyes as the dam broke and she threw her head back in a long cry. Little Belle so wanted to free her hands and rub her rump but her daddy was too strong for her. With each new swat she seemed to lose more and more fight as her struggles grew weaker. And after ten more solid swats, that paddle came to a rest and her daddy asked. "Why did daddy spank you?"

"B-Because I was naughty!" She managed to cry out.

"And are you gonna do it again?" She yelped as he landed three spanks on her backside with his hand.


"Good girl," he said in a much more tender voice than before as he set her paddle to the side. And helped her stand up her hands went to her burning rump as she began to jump around and place trying to rub the sting out of her backside. She had long since kicked her pants and panties off, now just standing bare from the waist down.

However, her punishment was not quite over as after maybe two minutes, her daddy took her by the hand and lead her towards a nearby corner. The farthest corner from the couch and each two steps he landed a firm swat to her backside making her yelp and jump up. She even found herself pulling a bit to try and get to that corner sooner rather than later. Once there he stood her in the corner and took out a coin. "Keep your nose in this corner for ten minutes, and if this coin drops you are gonna five extra spanks to your little sitting spots at bedtime."

Belle had completely forgotten that she had one more mandatory spanking tonight. However, right now she would worry about that later, for now she had to worry about not dropping this coin.

It was a shame she did it three times.

Belle Lee could not remember the last time she had had so much fun. After her long spanking and a much needed nap, she spent the rest of the day watching tv with her daddy. Now clothed in a nightgown, (and no panties as it hurt to much to wear them at the moment). They payed with her toys, she made him more pictures than she could count, and was so happy when he gave her a small finger paint set that later had her need to take a quick shower to wash off the paint. Most importantly, she was able to be the little she wanted to do, she didn't challenge him anymore as she didn't want another spanking on top of her bedtime one, a bit of light teasing but nothing to get little Belle another spanking. It truly was the best day in her life that she could remember, and Big Belle was grateful she had a friend that was willing to do with her.

Her bedtime spanking had come at 7:45. It stung like the dickens as he gave her a good bottom warming with her paddle, and even 15 extra spanks from dropping the quarter three times with Mr. Meanie Spoon. However, this time when it was all said and done and she had a very red bottom on display. He took her into his arms and hugged her close, his words so soothing that each one did wonders in slowly rocking Little Belle to sleep. As she was able to sleep happily and while she had a sore backside, it didn't matter to her. Little Belle had fun, and couldn't wait for the next time her daddy could come and take care of her.

Belle Lee wiped the rest of her tears away before looking up at the older boy with red eyes from her crying. "Contrary to popular belief, big me really likes broccoli."

"Well the little you seems to think differently." He said with a laugh. "How was that?"

Belle blushed a bit as she reached back and rubbed her hot bottom with one hand. "It was everything I wanted and then some to be honest. You were amazing, and thank you again for doing that with me."

"It was more fun than I originally thought, took me a while to get used to you calling me daddy." She swore his dark cheek turned a bit darker at that. "However, as long as you had fun I wouldn't mind doing that again one day, until you find a partner that can do it more often."

"I wouldn't mind that at all, Daddy Alphonso." That got his cheek to turn a deep brown color that made her giggle and also earned her a small slap to her backside making her yelp. "Relax!" She said rubbing her still smarting flesh. Once she was calm enough she stood up to her feet and headed towards her bedroom. "I am gonna get dressed in something a bit older, and when I come back. It is my turn to make you something to eat. I owe you that much at least."

"As long as it doesn't have broccoli I am fine with that." Belle looked over her shoulder at the boy who was giving her a small smirk. "What I have to agree with Little Belle, I can't stand them either."

A/N: Thanks for reading once more, a bit of a shorter chapter this time. As always thank you for reading and I really do enjoy and appreciate each read. I have fun writing these fics and I hope to make them much better. I know right now they need work and for all of you I am gonna do my best to make them even better.

Until next time.

Stay behaved.

Bye Bye. 

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