Chapter One

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Clarke Pov
"Griffin get the fuck up we are going to be late again because of you" what a great start to the morning I think as I roll out of bed to stop Raven from pounding on my door. "Really Ray" I say when I open the door to my apartment still in my pajamas with yesterdays makeup on. "Clarke get ready we should have been there 5 minutes ago" I sigh and start to get ready as fast as I can. I look out my bathroom door and see Raven eating my cereal. "Don't you have food in your own apartment literally down the hallway" she laughs "Ya but yours is better. Hurry up you already know that Kane will be pissed that we are late" I know she is right and start preparing myself to get yelled at once we get to KB's (Kane's burgers) the greasy burger place we work at for minimum wage.

"Why do we even do this. All we do is get constantly yelled at all day by costumers and our boss" I say as I grab the door handle but stop when Raven clears her throat trying to get my attention. "What" she points at my bag on the floor that has my uniform I wear at my night job. I glance at the calendar by the door that has both my work schedules on it. "How do you know when I work better that me" I say while grabbing the bag and quickly putting my shoes on. "Maybe if you got up on time you would remember instead of running around" she was right. I can't keep going like this. It's wearing me out getting up to open KB's and then rushing to change and get to the bar on time. I don't have any free time all I do is work and sleep. I don't get much of the later though.

Once we get to the car Raven answers my question from earlier "You know why we do this Clarke. We are building a better life for ourselves besides staying busy keeps our mind off... things" she's right. A year ago we made a promise to each other that we would do better and get our lives on track. Even if it sucks we have gotten pretty far. We started off sharing a shitty apartment so we weren't living on the street. We got hired at the burger place but for me it was a little harder to stay clean with all my free time and there just wasn't enough money if I wanted my life to keep looking up so I got a night job being a bartender. Raven got a night job at this small motorcycle repair shop and I know they have offered her a full time day job that she has turned down so that she won't leave me alone at our other job. About 4 months ago we moved to the better side of town and got separate apartments down the hall from each other.

My thoughts of our past are interrupted when Raven starts talking "you know what day it is Clarkie" she says in a playful voice while raising her eyebrows repeatedly. I pretend not to know what she is talking about "Wednesday Ray. All that means is that it will be really busy in the morning" she looks at me with a big grin "Don't even start please I am begging you" I say trying to get her to drop the topic that comes up every Wednesday religiously. "Yes it also means that the two Woods cops will be in for lunch" she says with that same grin still in place. "So" I say pretending not to care. Reality is that as soon as we got in the car and I checked the time on my phone and seen the date, my mood completely changed for the better. "Sooo Clarkie that means you get to take the A. Woods' order. This week instead of just fan girling over her you should ask for her actual name so we can have something to go off besides the name patch on her uniform. Ohhh and if you feel ambitious you should give her your number"

"Ray don't you think I want to but what would you think if you were a cop, probably in a family of cops since there are 2 other cops that also where the Woods name tag and a girl who is completely messed up and is working in fast food and at a bar asked you for your number" she gives me a sad look while I say that. "Clarke one you're not messed up and two how do you know what she will think if you never ask. Three isn't it weird that they never ate here then all of a sudden they come every Wednesday which happens to be a day you always work. Four isn't it also weird that her, the cop she comes in here with and one other person go into the bar you work at like 3 times a month but never went before you worked there according to Octavia" I look at her shocked "Octavia told you that?" She just smiles again "she tells me everything especially how Ms A Woods looks for you when they walk in and if you aren't there they will only have one drink and leave" "ok O is clearly making things up because it's clear that L Woods has the hots for her because whenever we work together he specifically makes conversation with her. It's very likely that they go there for her and not me." Raven just shakes her head and laughs at me "god you two are both clueless"

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