When i was done i brushed my teeth and went downstairs to join the others. ''Having a good morning Ash?'' Michael said jokingly. I just shook my head and said ''I'm not drinking again. Ever.'' they laughed and i tried to smile but felt like trowing up again and tried to get rid of the feeling. ''So where's Sky?'' i asked and the smiles just left their faces. Michael scratched the back of his head and Luke sighned deeply. ''Guys?'' i said unaware of the situation. ''She uh.. She's mad at us..'' Michael said. ''Why?'' i asked confused. ''She knows somethings up Ash.'' Luke said.

I froze up. ''But i- i don't understand. How?'' i said really not understanding. They both shrugged and then Michael said '' just make sure you don't go home for a few days. You can stay with us.'' ''So she's that mad. Wow.'' i said knowing that i should keep my distance. Last time we had a falling out and i came home she actually called the police. So i learned to listen to her because she will do it if she says so. I feel bad for doing this but- i don't really have an excuse.

P.o.v. Luke

Ashton seemed really confused about all of this. But i understand why he doesn't remeber anything. The kid's hungover and not really good at remembering stuff. I felt bad for not being able to tell her everything. Believe me i wanted to but Michael would have told on me. And as i said i want her and the baby to be safe. I got a text back from her last night but was too drunk to read it. But now i could read it and smiled at the response Yes i am still angry and no you guys are not welcome here. Fuck you. >:[ Love you Lukey <3 she always told me she loves me no matter how angry she is.

The main reason she does that is because she didn't get the chance to tell Calum that. The last thing they did was fights and she doesn't want to lose me like that either. I totally understand her and i always tell her that i love her too. I texted back but she didn't awnser and i saw she had read it. Weird. But she must be busy or something. I put my phone away and then Michael left the room because he was being phoned. So i was left here with Ashton who looked constipated. I know he's not. He's just trying not to vomit. And i can tell you it's a pretty funny sight.

Michael came back with a frown on his face and said that Harry had called. He wanted us to come to his house in about an hour so we had to get ready. Ashton groaned seeming he was hungover as fuck and just wanted to sit on my couch like the lazy person he is.

Michael and i were ready to go waiting in the lounge for Ashton to join us. ''Irwin!'' Michael yelled. I heard a noise that sounded like 'what' and he yelled ''You're taking forever hurry up dude!'' and not to long after Ashton came running down the stairs. Wich he shouldn't have because he tripped on a t-shirt and fell down the last few steps. We got up to check on him and he was just laying there like he died or something. I chuckled ''Get up stupid.'' i laughed and he emidiatly got up. With alot of complaining tho. As they went into the car i locked the house and got in too.

I had to sit in the back because Ashton basically forced me to. I got in and mumbled somthing under my breath as Michael giggled at our 'argument'. He drove to Harry's house and we got there in like half an hour. I knocked on the door and it was like he was waiting behind the door ever since he called, because it opened as soon as i stopped. He let us in and led us into the lounge. When we were all sat Teanna walked in and that's when i knew. This was serious.

P.o.v. Skyler

I must be dreaming. This could never be real. He- He's-. I saw him at the hospital.. I was at the funeral.. ''Lost your tongue baby?'' he chuckled and walked over to me cupping my cheeks. He wiped away some tears and i realised i was crying. ''Skyler..'' he said softly with a weak smile. I shook my head and pushed him away. ''N- No..'' i whispered to myself. I kept shaking no and grabbed my hair. I closed my eyes and tried to wake up. But i was awake. How? How!? I felt a hand on my back and turned around. He smiled at me, this time i smiled back. I began to feel all warm and bubbly inside. A fimiliar feeling was comming back. A feeling i haven't felt in a while.

It was a good feeling though and i missed it. For years.. Expecially.. That night..

I let out a deep sighn. He opened his arms for me and i basically trew myself into them. Then i turned into pudding. I got weak, my legs tremled and i couldn't stop crying. He held me even tighter and whispered sweet things in my ear. Things nobody has ever told me. Not even Luke. I felt myself calm down when i heard his heartbeat but tears were still running down my face. His arms still wrapped around me tightly like he was trying to say he would keep me safe and not leave me again.

We just stood there like that for a while. None of us spoke. But it wasn't awkward. It was.. Pleasant? Whatever it was it felt good and i really didn't want it to end. He pulled away and gave me a cute smile. ''But i- You- How?'' i mumbled but he seemed to know what i meant. He chuckled uncomfortable and i raised my eyebrow as i crossed my arms. ''So?'' i said sassily. He sighned ''Can we talk about this in the morning?'' he asked. But it was more of a statement then a question so i just let it go. I didn't want to talk about serious thing right now anyway.

We were laying on my bed. His arm wrapped around me as i laid my head on his chest while staring at the ceiling. His breathing was calm and he was snoring a little. Every now and then it would stop but never fully. Many thoughts were going trough my mind as i laid there with him. Mostly about how this could be real. I still don't understand but he said he would explain in te morning so i just have to wait.

The only thing i know now is that i have him back and i'm not letting him go this time.

He's my Calum.


~Miranda Sings voice~ New chahaptuuuurrrrr. Hope you like the story so far :)


Love CC

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