Continued Confusion

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"E-Eri? Eri!" Izuku shouted with a shaky voice.

No. How did this happen? This couldn't have happened. Aizawa thought to himself as everyone else just stood there in shock.

Eri continued to limp towards them slowly and five more people began emerging from the barn. It didn't take long for everyone to notice that it was Kota, Ojiro, Shoji, Tokoyami, and Hagakure.

"No!" Izuku shouted as he impulsively tried to run towards them.

"Midoriya don't!" Aizawa said as he grabbed onto him and held him back.

"Dammit." Izuku said under his breath as he tried not to choke on his tears.

No one else moved or said anything. They were all in too much shock.

The six students continued limping towards them while snarling aggressively.

"We have to kill them. There's no other solution." Bakugou said solemnly. 

"No, we can't. There's gotta be something we can do." Izuku sobbed. 

Aizawa had let go of him and he was just kneeling on the ground next to him.

"There's nothing we can do Midoriya. You know that." Aizawa said glumly as he stood up from the ground.

"Mandalay, forgive me for not being able to protect Kota. I'm sorry." Izuku mumbled.

"Bakugou, you have the strongest quirk here. You take them out."

Bakugou looked at Aizawa with a sad, annoyed look on his face before gritting his teeth and walking forward. "On it."

Before Bakugou could do anything though, he noticed Eri's horn begin to spark.

"What the hell is that?" He asked as it began sparking even more.

"It looks like a quirk malfunction." Aizawa said, confused as to how that was even possible. How can someone's quirk malfunction when they're dead? It doesn't make any sense?

Izuku looked at Eri with fear. That fear, however, soon turned into sheer happiness and confusion.

"What's happening?" Uraraka asked as Eri's quirk began to rewind her body back to before she had turned.

"Her quirk malfunction is causing her own body to rewind. I didn't even know that was possible." Aizawa said as he looked on in astonishment.

When her horn stopped sparking, Eri was left kneeling on the ground; confused. However, because she was no longer infected, the five who were turned towards her. Ojiro tried attacking her but Izuku acted fast and used Black Whip to pull her away.

"What's happening?" Eri asked as she began to cry in fear.

"It's okay Eri. You're okay." Izuku said reassuringly as the five infected students became more angry and aggressive.

Because everyone was distracted trying to process what just happened, they weren't paying attention to them and Shoji lunged at Uraraka. Thankfully, Tetsutetsu had her back and punched him in the head with his quirk activated.

He fell to the ground unmoving and Uraraka looked at him with fear and sadness.

"You gotta pay attention guys." Tetsutetsu scolded.

"I already know that." Bakugou said as he went to land an explosion on Tokoyami.

However, the explosion would never actually hit him.

"What the hell?" Bakugou asked in confusion as he blew away the smoke with his hand.

"How is that possible?" Kendo asked in a shaky voice.

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