The Outbreak

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"Alright class, please seat yourselves so we can get started." Aizawa said sleepily.

The whole class went silent and went directly to their seats. 

"Eri, Kota, please sit down."

"Sorry dadzawa." Eri said as she and Kota sat down next to Bakugou.

"Unfortunately, since Midoriya is still in the hospital, we won't be going over anything major since that wouldn't be fair to him. We'll save that for when he recovers. Today we'll just go over basic hero techniques and the proper procedures to use when participating in a rescue. Sound good?"

The class nodded their heads in agreement and Aizawa turned his head and looked at All Might. Before All Might could speak however, they heard a commotion out in the hall.

"Are there other students here?" Aizawa asked.

All Might shrugged his shoulders and went out into the hallway. There, he saw a few students standing in the hallway looking at their phones and whispering.

"Hey kids, school is closed today. What are you doing here?" All Might asked.

The students looked at him with a concerned look on their face.

"Haven't you seen the news today?" One of them asked.

"No, why is that important?"

"You should turn it on. It's wild." Another student said as the group headed down the hall.

Confused, All Might went back into the classroom and looked at Aizawa.

"What was that about?" He asked in a puzzled tone.

"I don't know. It was just a group of kids telling me that I should turn on the news. I'm assuming something big happened." All Might responded.

Aizawa sighed and turned towards the class. "Does anyone have a laptop with them?"

"I do." Mina responded as she pulled it out of her backpack.

"Bring it up here and gather around I guess." Aizawa replied.

Mina brought it up and turned it on. She then googled a live news broadcast and turned the volume all the way up so everyone could hear.

"Breaking news, we are reporting live from Tokyo, Japan where a strange phenomenon is occurring. People all over the city are acting erratic and aggressive. It appears they're trying to attack anyone they come across and trying to bite them. Police have been trying to keep it contained but it seems as though this erratic sort of behavior keeps on spreading, and it's doing it fast. Anyone who gets bit by these aggressive people find themselves acting the exact same way and we have no explanation as to how this is happening or what it even is that's causing them to act so out of control. It's like something straight out of a sci-fi horror film. We still have no super recent updates but we will explain more when we know more."

Mina turned the volume down on her computer and the whole class went silent.

"What does that mean exactly? Are they saying that people are basically dying and then coming back and trying to eat people?" Uraraka asked shakily.

"Seems like it." Aizawa said in as calm of a manner as he could muster.

"I'm gonna call my parents and see what's going on on their end." Bakugou said as he pulled out his phone.

He waited a few minutes but it eventually went to voicemail. "Dammit." He mumbled under his breath.

"Wait, they're saying something else." Mina said as she turned the volume up again.

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