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Written: April 22nd, 2024

Genre: 80s Synth-Pop

A/N: Welcome to a new era of songs! This song is called "Treasure" because of this concept I thought of a while ago: 'Love is like a treasure, hard to find and hard to keep.'

This era is going to contain a lot of "i don't need you anymore, you're toxic, I'm not" songs, basically. So kind of letting back and cutting ties with people who wronged you.


In the tapestry of life, where love entwines,

I unraveled the threads that held me captive in time.

Toxic tendrils, like vines that crept and clung,

Dimming my spirit, making my soul unsung.

What once was young has now sprung from my grasp.


Through layers of pain, a flicker of light

Love's ember glows, defying the night

Yearning whispers secrets in the breeze

A fragile flame that yearns to seize.


Love, oh love, is like a treasure, hard to find, and hard to keep

So elusive and grand

Yet, in its embrace, I found a new land

With newfound courage, I sever the deceit

Breaking free from their grip, my fear does not retreat


Like a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis,

I spread my wings, bidding farewell to the abyss.

No longer bound by chains that held me low,

I soar above the shadows, embracing life's glow.


Through layers of pain, a flicker of light

Love's ember glows, defying the night

Yearning whispers secrets in the breeze

A fragile flame that yearns to seize.


Love, oh love, is like a treasure, hard to find, and hard to keep

So elusive and grand

Yet, in its embrace, I found a new land

With newfound courage, I sever the deceit

Breaking free from their grip, my fear does not retreat


Now I'm breaking free from the chains of the past

I put heartbreak on voicemail

Time mends the wounds that once consumed my heart,

As I ventured beyond the realm where darkness took part.

Surrounded by kindred spirits, hearts pure and true,

I discover the love that's meant for me and you.

No longer will love be burning red,

I will live in the moment


Through layers of pain, a flicker of light

Love's ember glows, defying the night

Yearning whispers secrets in the breeze

A fragile flame that yearns to seize.


Love, oh love, is like a treasure, hard to find, and hard to keep

So elusive and grand

Yet, in its embrace, I found a new land

With newfound courage, I sever the deceit

Breaking free from their grip, my fear does not retreat


Finally, I'm done with heartbreak.

Well, for now at least.

*fades into ambient noise*

I hope you enjoyed the first song slash title track, which will give you a taste of what this songwriting era will be like 🫶

Kicking back from heartbreak and letting go from the chains of the past, realizing that you should live in the moment and your past doesn't decide that <3

I'm actually really proud of this song, and I hope you are! Thanks for reading, it really boosts my teenage spirits lmao.

much love,

~ jacquelyn/jackie robinson

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