Chloe's Pov

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It feels like a relief that me and Noah are okay now, we can be able to talk and joke around it feels really good. Now I feel like we were being childish on no talking to each while we stay together it just don't make any sense now because at the end of day we gonna be in each other's life forever.

It's been a week now since we got married and moved together. I'm in the kitchen preparing breakfast for both of us, well today I don't know if Noah is going to work since it's Saturday. Today there's nothing much to do in the house since the maids came to clean everything they come three times a week which is okay I don't want them full time in here because I know how to do things around the house by myself.

About school, the school is opening in one week time and I'm not ready for going back to academic stress my mind is at pease right now I don't need stress. Well it's Noah's birthday Monday and I know he thinks I don't know about it.

I know we not friends or anything but I have to get him something because my mother told me when I was young that birthdays are important and you should always gift somebody in your life with gifts to make that person happy so I will definitely get him something.

My birthday is in February so for now I don't have any plans for and plus I don't like celebrating it but I always expect gifts lot of them. my brother always gifts me with the best gifts I love his gifts so much he always goes all out for me and I appreciate that.

Noah entered the kitchen with now black track pants with no t-shirt on like what. I quickly closed my eyes with my hands. "Go and put a t-shirt on man Noah" I said, "why? It's hot in here" he said chuckling. "Yeah it's hot but there's no need for you to not wear any t-shirt" I said. "Are you scared that you gonna drool over my body Mrs Chloe Miranda?" He teas.

"there's nothing to drool over that body of yours, go and put a t-shirt on you making me uncomfortable " I said, "if there's nothing to drool over then why is your face closed?" He asks, "because you making me uncomfortable duh" I said rolling my eyes.

"Okay but you gotta get used to this because I love walking around the house with no shirt on" he said and disappeared in the passage. The breakfast is ready and I've already started digging into mine. He comes back after a little while with a phone on his ear. "Alright I'm gonna call you when I get time today Katrina" he says and drops the call.

"Girlfriend?" I asks. "No" he says with a straight face. "Okay" I said. I took my plate to wash it on the sink after that I went back to my room to bath and change because I only washed my face and I was wearing just a Baggy t-shirt. I changed into black long dress that hugs my body so perfectly. I also did my makeup not so much of it.

I went to the sitting room and found Noah watching Netflix with chocolate on his hands. So I just went to sit next him and watch whatever he is watching."What?" I asks because he keeps glancing at me. He cleared his throat and shooked his head.

"So what are you watching?" I asks. "Movie called Nowhere" he says. "Can you please start it afresh I wanna watch it too I don't know it" I say, "okay you lucky because I opened it five minutes ago I wasn't gonna start it over again if i started it twenty minutes ago" he says while smiling. "Wait let me go get ice cream and pop corn" I said and quickly got up.

"Vanilla right?" I asks him standing right in front of him and I saw him checking my body. "Yeah" he said.I went to the kitchen to get ice cream and pop corn and gave it to him. "You may start it"I said before sitting down.

We watched the movie without saying a word to each other because the movie was just too painful I saw myself fighting the tears to go back throughout the whole movie. He was also fighting back his because I saw him looking up and putting hands on his eyes.

"I almost forgot we have dinner tonight at my parents place" he says with his eyes popped out. "can't i skip it I'm not in the mood for going out the house today?"I asks because I'm not in the mood for no dinner today I want to sleep early.

"Unfortunately I don't think that will be possible my father made it clear that we should be there both of us" he said, "ahh okay but we should come back early" I said. "Okay mam"he said. " I'm not in the mood for that mr" I said. "For what now?" He says acting confused. "I can see you teasing me you want me to talk, I'm Chloe not mam" I said. "Okay mam" he repeats. "You know what go kiss a mad mans Ass I'm not gonna entertain you" I said while smiling at what I've just said.

He busted out of laughter, "you know it's high time you take on the stage with that sense of humour of u yours" he says while laughing." Oh you making fun of me now huh?" I asks, "no I'm not" he said while smiling. "Bye I'm going to rest in my room" I said while getting up because I feel like I need to rest.

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