Noah's Pov

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My brother Vinnie knows how to cool me down whenever I'm angry that is why I always call him whenever I feel like I'm loosing my mind.

I never took a look at Chloe like I do now, She is beautiful with her flawless skin. Today when we at the kitchen talking I really really took a good look at her and realised that she is actually so attractive.

I don't even wanna talk about that day when she went out to the club, she looked so breathtakingly beautiful. It's like I was seeing her for the first time that is why I just stand there and watched her until she left. My guts couldn't allow me to just chill when she went out that day that is why I asked Josh to keep an eye on her.

Anyway I'm in the meeting in LA, all I can say is that my mind is not here, my mind is at home busy wondering what is she doing. The meeting is done now and I can say that it went well.

Now I'm on my way back home in my private with my PA, my phone rang in my pocket it's my father, "Big man" I said, "Son we have dinner with the Scott's tomorrow in our house so I will be expecting you with your wife" dad said, "okay" I said, "don't be late" he said and dropped the call. This man can be pain in the Ass what dinner now.

I got home and found Chloe sleeping peacefully in the couch with a movie on the Tv I guess she fall asleep while watching it. I took blanket and wrapped her with it and then took a very good stare at her face she looks so beautiful when she's sleeping with her pouty lips.

I went to my room to shower and change. I changed into comfortable clothes which is Grey sweat pants and white vest and my sleepers. I went downstairs and found Chloe already awake dishing up for us and people it smells so nice. "Oh you are awake" I said, "yeah, here is your food mr" she said with a smile on her face. "You know you didn't have to wake up to dish up for me right? I know how to dish up for myself" I said looking at her busy moving around the kitchen putting things where they stay in the cupboard. "Yes I know mr" she said while sitting down opposite me.

"Just eat sir and stop staring at me like I'm some type of model modelling in Gala fashion week" she said and I busted out of laughter like what I guess she is funny because it's not the first time hearing her saying jokes. "Wow really?" I said while chuckling. "Yeah what am I suppose to say when you staring me like I'm some type of a lost women In the mall" she said and I just busted out laughter she is crazy y'all.

"Okay I'm gonna stop but you also staring at my body" I said, I saw her looking down so quickly with the small smile, "well I'm not what would I be looking at in that fat body of yours" she said while looking down. "Me?Fat? Mam I'm not in the mood to flex" I said while chuckling. "Stop lying you just don't have anything to flex" she said smiling while rolling her eyes, I just got up and went to her side  took her hand and placed it on my Abs.

She popped her eyes out and quickly covered her face with her tiny hands. "It must be your last time telling me I'm fat mam" I said while going back to my sit and kept quiet while her face is closed. "Chloe are you still there?" I said and she continued to close her face. "Earth on you Chloe" I said and she removed her hands off her face and looked straight into my eyes.

"That was wrong I'm not suppose to touch your body" she said, "why not? Are you not my wife?" I teased, "no I'm not Noah" she said while getting up with her plate. "Well what's that on your finger?" I asked. "Just some lazy persons ring who asked for me to keep it" she said, "oh I'm the lazy person?" I asked while smiling. "I didn't say it's you Cinderella" she said while laughing. "Now I'm Cinderella, you know what I give up with you" I said getting up to put my plate in the sink.

She just laughed at me and continued to wash the dishes, "you know we have maids in the house right?" I asked, "yes but I like to do some of the things in the house for myself" she said, "okay if you say so, do I have to wait for you to finish or help you?" I asked, "whatever you feel like doing mr" she said with a smile. I just decided to help with the rinsing of the dishes while she washes them. "I'm so tired right now, goodnight Noah" she said while disappearing to the passage, "goodnight to you too" I said and went to check if the front door is locked and then went to my room.

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