14 0 5

I wake up and Its hard to move. I need a new bed. My back hurts so bad. I wonder if Hawks  would give me another massage. Im sure he would, that little pervert. I stand up and I slowly walk to the kitchen and grab a granola bar. I have 224 dollars left. I dont like wasting it, especially for another mattress when mine still at least works. I finish the granola bar and I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After I was done I go outside to see if my clothes were dry and they were. Dry. Finally. I grab them and I bring them and put them in my drawer. I grab the black shirt thats kinda a crop top that only shows a little skin and I also grabbed my grey sweatpants. The outfit was cute. I changed and then I went to the living room and sat on the floor.

I need to buy a mask. For my face so when I see Hawks I dont have to wear a hoodie all the time. Its getting hotter and I dont wanna wear a hoodie all the time. I stand up and I go to a mini store and I look around and I find something perfect. A bandana. He said he likes my hair, but thats not the reason im getting it.....maybe. I am getting it also because it will look weird if I wear a balaclava. 

I grab the black and white one and I make my way to the cashier. They know who I am. "It will b-be six dollars ma'am" I give her the cash and take the bandana and take it out and  put it on. Now it only shows half of my face.

I go to the building and I walk onto the roof. I sit in the middle of the roof and I start humming a little song I heard someone was playing from their car as I was walking here. I then felt a gust of wind against my back. "Hi Hawks" I say before I turn around and when I do he looks at me with wide eyes. "What?"

He stood in front of me as I was sitting. My head is way to close to his waist. What is he doing. "You look hot baby" I got red and he saw the little red from my cheeks. Why would he say that!? That pervert!

"What have I said about calling me baby" I say in a "confident" voice.

"You said to stop but I will never." he says as he puts his hand on my neck.

"Dont touch me pervert" I say as I push his hand away.

"I know you want me to though" he says as he stops and sits beside me.

I lay on my stomach and I say "Massage now."

He chuckles, "My pleasure."

He puts his hands on my shoulders and starts kneading the skin and applying the right amount of pressure. "Maybe you should quit being a hero and do this" I suggest as  I close my eyes. 

"I only will ever touch you like this baby." 

I laugh a little and I say "Such a flirt."

"Only for you." He brings his hand on my middle back and starts rubbing and I let out a soft sigh. He continues and it feels good. 

"I like your outfit" he says as he makes circles with his thumbs.

"Thank you birdie."

"Of course" he says.

He moves his big hands to my lower back and starts making perfect moves. I let a soft moan. He stopped. "I told you dont do that." he says in a serious tone.

 "I cant help it birdie, and besides why does it matter anyways" I say as I turn and go on my back and look up at him.

"None of your business," he says in a mocking tone.

I scoft and roll my eyes, "Whatever."

He smiles and goes out of his serious stage. "What" I ask.

He shakes his head and smirks, "You look good under me baby."

I blush and sit up, "You pervert!"

"Stop calling me that, you know I am not."

"Make me" I say mocking his words from yesterday.

"I will, unlike you."

"Oh really then, do it, pervert."

He goes close to me so quickly and lifts up my mask and kisses me. ME! His eyes closed and mine are open in surprise. I dont kiss back.....well maybe I do. For the plan only though. His lips are soft. Warm. 

He pulls back and I am left speechless, "Cat got your tongue baby~" he says as he sits about a foot away. 

My face gets red and he sees it a little above the mask, "Shut up" I say as I put my hand up.

"Well I made you stop calling me pervert didnt I? Every time you call me pervert I am gonna give you kiss."

"I dont want your horrible kisses."

"Oh baby we both know you liked."

I turn my face away, "Shut up."

"Make me" he says.

I will NOT give HIM a kiss. I bring my hand to his mouth and I cover it. "Shut it."

He smiles under my hand and he sticks out his tongue out. I feel it and I move my hand away. "Ewwww no I am going to have my hand a 1,000 times." I say as I wipe it on my thigh.

"So what are you gonna do when I kiss you and I add my tongue in? Wash it with soap after?"

"No- I- I will- I dont know but you will never do that" I say as I cross my arms.

"We shall see."

"We will."

There is a silence that goes between us and I lay on my back as he sits beside me. My shirt goes right above my belly button. I see him glance and he gets flustered and he looks away and to the city. I look at the sky. I see some planes fly by. I see the birds fly. Its so pretty. 

I feel Hawks hand go on my leg. "Hey keep your hands to yourself" I say. He moves his hand off, "Pervert."

He leans down and lift my mask and kisses me. I close my eyes this time and put my hands on his chest. The plan. Get closer to him. I am gonna destroy him.

He pulls away and smiles. "I told you I would do it every time you call me that."

"Ugh I didnt think you meant it."

He stands up and gets a call. He steps a couple feet away from me and he came back to me after 5 minutes. "I have to go birdie, I will see you soon, bye."

"Bye Hawks."

He flaps his wing and leaves. I stand up and head to my house. I eat some food and I go to the bathroom. I take a shower and brush my teeth and hair. I change into my one pair of PJ's. I lay in bed and try and sleep. 

Plans changed (Hawks x FemReader)Where stories live. Discover now