Kyotani kept pushing even when Shoyo kept crying & saying that "It hurts". He only stopped when he was fully sheathed inside of him, letting out a moan of pleasure at the tightness & warmth of the smaller male taking him in. Shoyo reached out his small hands to wrap it around his neck, his right hand slightly caressing at the back of Kyotani's head. Misinterpreting it as a sign to start thrusting his hips forward, hitting it to the hilt as Shoyo moaned at the sensation every time he did that. Soon enough they both lost track of time as Kyotani went on for a few more rounds, each time promising that it would be 'the last'.

He slowly took out his manhood from Shoyo's entrance, giving him one last bruising kiss before they were interrupted by a loud cough coming from the entrance to the library "Looks like you got yourself a pretty 'pumpkin diamond' there huh, Mad Dog?". He scoffed "Pumpkin diamond?" Pulling Shoyo in his arms, letting him do whatever he wanted for now since he didn't have the energy to protest. "Hey now, that's what Rintaro calls him but congrats! You got to him first before anyone else could..." Kuroo moved closer to the two. "I'm a bit jealous though so how about you move aside & let me have a turn with Shorty?" Kyotani eyed the rooster head as he tightened his hold on Shoyo. "Kyotani-san?" The ginger mumbled, feeling a bit suffocated by the tight hug but still in a state of exhaustion "Fine by me but I'll wait outside in case anyone tries to 'come in' & DON'T go overboard like you usually do!".

Kuroo reassured him & took hold of the ginger as Mad Dog left the room & waited outside of the library entrance. Smoking his cigar as a few guards passed by him & didn't bother to question him on his attitude & what he was doing there since dinner time was about to begin. "What a f**king animal!" Kuroo thought as he nudged his fingers inside the ginger, feeling the leftover white liquid inside of Shoyo sloshing around as he moved his fingers, some of it dripping down from his entrance & onto his inner thighs. "Looks like I don't really need to prep ya, huh shorty?" Shoyo attempted to kick this rooster head in the face when he caught his leg & readjusted their position. Shoyo stood on one leg while his hands were on the table with his body facing Kuroo, his other leg was on the rooster head's shoulder. It was basically however much his leg could reach up to Kuroo's shoulder since the guy was at least around 189 cm tall.

Shoyo never thought that a sex position like this with one leg up & one leg down could hurt so much without even doing anything yet. For a moment there, he was glad that he took gymnastics back then in high school other than the volleyball club that he joined. But that train of thinking went straight out the window when Kuroo started to push it in, using the semen leaking from Shoyo's entrance as lube. He was once in tears again, the unmeasurable, painful feeling of his a*s being stretched wide open to accommodate his cock was insane, especially in this position he was in. "Ku-Kuroo-san, take... take it out... please, it hurts..." Shoyo was gasping for air as he begged for him to stop, his left hand reaching out to grab hold of his grey singlet while his right hand was still on the table.

"Is that really~ the only thing you're feeling right now?" Kuroo queried, already knowing the answer to his question from the way Shoyo's cheeks blushed bright red as he sucks in rapid gulps of air with his sensuously swollen, shell-pink lips. His watery eyes look at him seductively without even putting in the effort to do so or actually trying to. "You look so tempting~ like this... No wonder Kenma & the rest of the inmates wanted to take you for a 'spin' huh, shorty~" Shoyo simply moaned louder, barely able to think about anything else other than the length of this bastard thrusting in & out of him, let alone speak properly.

Shoyo could tell that Kuroo was close to his climax when he started speeding up his pace harshly as the grip on his upper leg tightened. "My name~... Say it" Shoyo was barely compos mentis at this point but did just as told. "Kuroo-san~" Shoyo cried out as he came & so did Kuroo after a few more harsh thrusts as he let out a moan. "Best f**k I've ever had in a while" Kuroo muttered to himself, slowly letting down his leg & carrying him in his arms. Kuroo could hear the whisper of "I'm cold" from the exhausted ginger in his arms & he wrapped him up in his orange prison shirt, covering him as much as possible.

He could see that Kyotani was a man of his word even now as he was still there, this time reading a book out of boredom while smoking "We're heading to the showers". Kuroo stilled for a moment 'This has got to be the longest conversation I've ever had with this guy'. Kuroo gave him his usual sly smile & they made their way to the showers in silence, avoiding the crowded routes with the most guards. 'If we're lucky enough, it should be Chikara-san's shift right now' Kuroo thought to himself, hoping it was Chikara on duty guarding the showers right now since he's the most lenient when it comes to letting the more loner & quiet inmates take their time to clean themselves with a less packed crowd.

Both of them were glad that it was indeed Chikara on duty today & he let them in without question, minding his own business. Kuroo could tell he had a puzzled look on his face when he saw Mad Dog walking together beside him "He must've thought we were an odd pair huh, mad dog?". Kyotani nodded as he looked around in the showers to make sure there was no one there & signaled for Kuroo to pass him the ginger. Kuroo did just that, not wanting the ginger to experience the violent tendencies of this 'Mad Dog' whenever he doesn't get what he wants & he has seen this first hand before after being in this hellhole for 7 years.

Kyotani held Shoyo in his arms firmly, supporting him as Kuroo washed him thoroughly, sticking his fingers inside of him once again to clear out the remaining liquid. Shoyo was whimpering from the pain of Kuroo's nails scrapping the walls of his inside "It h-hurts.." He hiccupped. "Shorty, if you can take in my dick, I'm sure you can handle my fingers" Mad Dog shot him a death glare & Kuroo sighed before asking what was hurting. "Your nails" Shoyo murmured, giving him a pouting look with glossy eyes from holding back his tears the entire time 'How the f**k does he look this cute with a pouting face' Kuroo could feel himself turning bright red & considerably adjusted the way his fingers scrapped out the last remaining white liquid. Making sure that his nails didn't scratch the ginger's insides as Shoyo kept panting through the whole process.

Once they were done washing up & got dressed back in their orange uniforms, Shoyo insisted on walking back to his cell by himself. To protect whatever pride he had left in him that didn't go as planned since he didn't make it past the doors of the changing room. Kyotani was the one who ended up carrying him back to his cell since Kuroo lost to him in rock, paper & scissors. Shoyo was so damn happy that it was still dinner time, so there were barely any prisoners up here in their selected blocks & cells. However, he didn't notice that there were a few who were looking at him intently from a distance. 

Kuroo & Kyotani dropped him off in his cell & left right after that, heading to dinner before times up. Shoyo couldn't help himself from crying, the fact that he let himself get raped by these two bastards was insane & illogical to him. He felt pressure from the way the blondie harassed him into doing it with him, the way Shoyo convinced himself to think of it as a 'way to release some steam' off. The fact that he let that perverted, rooster-head bastard touch him & had his way with him when he was so out of it was what made him cry harder until he fell asleep. 

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