S1 EP2: The End of the World Part 1

Start from the beginning

"It's not really a spaceship, more like an observation deck. The great and the good are gathering to watch the planet burn." the Captain says.

"What for?" Rose asks softly.

"Fun." the Doctor says finishing up with the panel.

The three walk into a big observation gallery. "Mind you, when I say 'the great and the good' what I mean is the rich." the Captain elaborates.

"But, hold on, they did this once on Newsround Extra, the sun expanding, that takes hundreds of years." Rose states.

"Millions. But the planet's now the property of the National Trust. They've been keeping it preserved. See down there? Gravity satellites holding back the sun." the Doctor points into space.

"The planet looks the same as ever. I thought the continents shifted and things." Rose asks confused.

"They did. The Trust moved 'em back. That's a Classic Earth. But now the money's run out, nature takes over." he continues.

"How long's it got?" Rose asks.

"About half an hour. Then the planet gets roasted." the Captain states looking at his watch.

"Is that why we're here? I mean, is that what you do? Jump in at the last minute and save the Earth?" Rose asks.

"We're not saving it. Time's up." the Captain tells her.

"But what about the people?" she asks.

"It's empty. They've all gone. All left." the Doctor smiles.

"Just me, then." Rose states.

"Who the hell are you?" a voice from behind them calls.

"Oh, that's nice. Thanks!" the Doctor says as they all turn around.

"But how did you get in?" a blue coloured man walks up to them. "This is a maximum hospitality zone, the guests have disembarked. They're on their way! Any second now." he carries on.

"No, that's us. We're guests. Look, we've got an invitation. Look. Y'see? It's fine. 'The Captain and Doctor plus one'." the Doctor holds up a wallet with psychic paper in showing the man.

"I'm the Captain."

"And I'm the Doctor, this is Rose Tyler, she's my plus one. Is that all right?"

"Well, obviously. Apologies, et cetera. If you're on board, we'd better start... Enjoy." he says as he walks over to the door the three had come through.

"The paper's slightly psychic. It shows whatever I want them to see. Saves a lot of time." the Doctor explains to Rose.

"He's blue." she whispers.

"Yeah." the Captain replies.


"We have in attendance the Captain, the Doctor and Rose Tyler. Thank you. All staff to their positions!" he says finishing with a clap of his hands. The staff rush to their positions. "Hurry now! Thank you! Quick as we can, come along, come along!" he rushes them. "And now, might I introduce the next honoured guest? Representing the Forest of Cheam, we have trees, namely Jabe, Lute and Coffa." the steward introduces with the doors opening and Jabe, Lute and Coffa walk through. "There will be an exchange of gifts representing peace. If you could keep the room circulating, thank you... Next, from the solicitors Jolco and Jolco, we have the Moxx of Balhoon." the steward says, Rose looks on bewildered and the Doctor looks at her amused. "And next, from Financial Family Seven, we have the Adherents of the Repeated Meme. The inventors of the hyposlip travel systems, the brothers Hop Pyleen!" the guests pile in the room one by one. "..Cal 'Spark' Plug... Mr. and Mrs. Pacoon... ..The ambassadors from the City-State of Binding Light." more and more aliens walk through the door

The Doctor and The Captain - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now