
Follow-up Committee for National and Islamic Forces:

The plans of the occupation leaders to establish an occupying political administration under the guise of "civilian" and other labels will fail in the face of the steadfastness of our people and the valour of our resistance.

O masses our heroic people:
You who with all pride and steadfastness confront the fascist zionist-American war machine supported by all the evil forces in the world, and who write the most wonderful epics of heroism and sacrifice every day over the course of more than ninety days of barbaric Nazi aggression, you who thwart the occupation's plans for forced displacement. We affirm the following:

- The zionist occupation government is still seeking, in its old and new plan, to liquidate the Palestinian cause and displace the Palestinian people from all Palestinian land, but this illusion will be shattered on the rock of your steadfastness and patience, and this plan will fail and collapse, as all American zionist projects have fallen.

- The failure of the occupation leaders to achieve the second Nakba of displacement made the occupation government work to find another way to strike Palestinian steadfastness and exploit the catastrophic humanitarian conditions that our people face from the continuation of the genocidal war through military aggression and comprehensive siege, and the destruction of infrastructure, through the creation of local civil or tribal bodies, as they claim, to manage the Gaza Strip. This will not be achieved thanks to our unbreakable people and our creative resistance in the field.

- The plan of the occupation leaders aims to create a new reality in the Gaza Strip managed by the occupation and those subject to its dictates through what it calls a civil or tribal administration in form, but political in its essence, aiming to preempt the outcome of the war by forming a new civil administration to manage the Strip under its control and subject to it along the lines of previous patterns and models.

- The failure of the military aggression to achieve its declared goals has led the occupation state preempt matters through these aggressive plans, which are rejected by our people and all its political, societal and civil components. Our people will also not engage with these ideas or proposals, because any dealing with them is a national betrayal that no one will accept, agree to, or be a part of, whether individuals, institutions, notables, mukhtars, or dignitaries.

- We, in the Palestinian factions, affirm that the goal of this conspiracy is to determine the form of governance in the Gaza Strip in the coming period, so that it will be a submissive tool in the hands of the occupation through which it may complete its project of liquidating the Palestinian cause, but our people's aspirations for governance in the Gaza Strip after the occupation and the defeat of its racist project will be an internal affair through national partnership without domination, marginalization, or exclusion of any of its political components, and all these conspiracies will fail with the determination of our great people and their valiant resistance.



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