30th December 2023

17 8 2

Occupation aircraft bomb a house in Al-Janeena neighborhood, near UNRWA warehouses.


Renewed intense Israeli airstrikes on Khan Yunis.


Urgent | A source in the Islamic Resistance in Iraq:
We targeted a U.S. military intelligence headquarters inside the Harir base in Erbil.


Urgent | Israeli Broadcasting Authority:
Palestinian security forces are operating in West Bank camps to prevent armed attacks against the Israeli army.


Air raid sirens sounding in Majdal Shams and Mas'ade in the Golan.


Channel 13 Hebrew: The fire in the north at the border with Lebanon is intensifying, to the extent that in some settlements, the extent of the damage cannot even be assessed due to the security threat.


Urgent | Hamas leader Osama Hamdan to Al Jazeera: The ideas presented did not include an exchange of prisoners for a one-month ceasefire.

Urgent | Hamas leader Osama Hamdan to Al Jazeera: The occupation is trying to leak false ideas that suit it to alleviate internal pressure.

Urgent | Hamas leader Osama Hamdan to Al Jazeera: There is no concrete idea, but the backbone is a complete and comprehensive cessation of aggression.

Urgent | Hamas leader Osama Hamdan to Al Jazeera: We possess tools and capabilities that enable us to enforce a ceasefire.

Urgent | Hamas leader Osama Hamdan to Al Jazeera: The only way out of the Israeli impasse is to stop the aggression and make concessions.

Urgent | Hamas leader Osama Hamdan to Al Jazeera: The mediators are not trying to impose a vision on us, but to offer assistance and protect our people.

Urgent | Hamas leader Osama Hamdan to Al Jazeera: Netanyahu does not have the luxury of continuous refusal due to street pressure and a government crisis.


Urgent | Palestinian Ministry of Health: Occupation forces arrest a wounded Palestinian inside an ambulance at a military checkpoint east of Qalqilya.


Urgent | Hamas leader Osama Hamdan: No talk of prisoner exchange before stopping the aggression as "Israel" promotes, and the occupation tries to leak ideas that suit it and are not true to alleviate internal pressure.

Urgent| Hamas leader Osama Hamdan: We have the tools and capabilities to enforce a ceasefire.


Breaking | At least two rockets launched from Syria landed in Majdal Shams in the occupied Golan Heights.


Breaking | Renewed aerial bombardment of the Joret al-Lout area south of Khan Yunis.


The occupation army announces the interception of two missiles in the skies of the occupied Syrian Golan, while a third fell in an open area.


Continuous artillery shelling in central Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip.


Israeli helicopter gunfire in the eastern areas of Khan Yunis, with intense clashes in the eastern and central areas of the city.


Breaking | The Pentagon:
The State Department has approved a deal to sell M107 rifles and associated equipment to Israel for $147.5 million.


Breaking | Two injured by occupation forces' gunfire during confrontations in Yatta, south of Hebron.


Breaking | Martyrs and injuries due to bombing targeting the house of journalist Jabr Abu Hudros in Camp 2 in Nuseirat, central Gaza Strip.


The Government Media Office:
- The number of martyred journalists has risen to 106 since the start of the genocidal war on the Gaza Strip, following the martyrdom of colleague journalist Jabr Abu Hudros, correspondent for Al-Quds Today TV channel, whose populated house was bombed by Israeli occupation aircraft in Nuseirat Camp (central Gaza Strip).
- May God have mercy on journalist Jabr Abu Hudros, grant him paradise, strengthen the hearts of his loved ones, and sincere condolences to the journalistic family and his honorable family.

   - May God have mercy on journalist Jabr Abu Hudros, grant him paradise, strengthen the hearts of his loved ones, and sincere condolences to the journalistic family and his honorable family

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Shield of the Martyr Journalist Jabr Abu Hudros.


Intense clashes in central and eastern Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip.


Violent clashes and artillery shelling from Israeli tanks east of Al-Bureij Camp in central Gaza Strip.


Continued heavy bombing in central Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip.


Two injuries from Israeli bombing targeting a house of the Al-Nawiri family west of Abu Sarar roundabout in Al-Nuseirat.


Martyrs, wounded, and missing in an Israeli bombing targeting a house of the Al-Wawi family near Al-Sunnah Mosque in Al-Nuseirat Camp.


Israeli naval warships launch heavy shelling on the shores of Deir al-Balah and Khan Yunis.


Violent clashes between resistance fighters and occupation forces in central Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip, with continued artillery shelling of the area.


Reuters on U.S. Justice:
Arrest of a citizen accused of attempting to assist Al-Shabaab movement in Somalia following Hamas' attack on Israel.


AFP on the Israeli army: We carried out strikes in Syria after two missiles were fired from Syrian territory onto the Golan.


Israeli warships bombard the coast of Khan Yunis in the south of the Strip.


Heavy gunfire and artillery shells from tanks of the occupation east of Rafah crossing in southern Gaza Strip.


—> A senior source in the Al-Qassam Brigades to Al-Jazeera:
Our fighters carried out an ambush east of Al-Tuffah neighborhood this evening, destroying a troop carrier and killing 10 soldiers from point blank.


—> Al-Nasser Salah Al-Din Brigades:
Our fighters are engaged in violent clashes with zionist enemy soldiers in the north of Bureij camp, achieving direct casualties among the enemy's ranks.


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