The Resistance

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The following news and updates are of 7th January 2024.


—> Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

The Popular Front demands the trial of the "Israeli" ministers for new crimes, which are already being implemented.

The international cover for the zionist genocide against our people has opened the door for the enemy's leadership to reach levels of savagery unknown in human history. Thus, the enemy's ministers compete in announcing their intentions regarding genocidal crimes against our people in Gaza without deterrence, conscience, or accountability.

The Front pointed to the statements of the so-called Minister of Heritage in the "israeli" government, as they represent the true orientations of the occupation and its ongoing practices against our people.

Hundreds of crimes are committed daily in the manner that the "israeli" ministers race to declare and are executed by the "israeli" army against our people in Gaza, including massacres, torture, destruction of homes and hospitals, siege, starvation, attacks, and campaigns aimed at permanently displacing the population.

The Front criticizes the attempts to treat these statements as if they were anomalous to the practices of the "israeli" government, or to classify war criminals as either extremist or moderate. What this minister stated is the face of the occupation with all its apparatuses and levels, both military and political, and what is actually practiced on the ground in the Gaza Strip.

The Front calls on Arab countries, international entities, and relevant bodies to urgently and decisively act to prosecute zionist war criminals for these crimes.

Our people are facing a genocide, crimes that violate every human norm, and brutal practices that expose the falsehood of the international system with its various institutions, which requires an intifada from every believer in humanity.


—> Hezbollah:

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—> Hezbollah:

"Among the believers are men who have been true to their covenant with Allah. Some of them have fulfilled their vow, and some are still waiting, and they have not changed in the least."
This is the Truth of Allah, the Most High, the Almighty.

With great pride and honour, the Islamic Resistance exalts the martyr fighter Hassan Abd Jaafar Thulfiqar," from the city of Sour and a resident of the town of Burj Al-Shamali in southern Lebanon, who rose as a martyr on the road to Al-Quds.


—> Mujahideen Brigades:

We targeted an barricaded "israeli" force earlier in a house in Tel Al-Hawa with an anti-personnel OG-7V shell, resulting in deaths and injuries among the force. The fighters seized equipment from the soldiers.
The surveillance operation and the equipment seized by the fighters have been documented.

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