to whom it may concern

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You need ....a Major therapy -w-

But I'm scared to go therapy 

Because what if they fix me, and then I'm not funny anymore?

What if I can't make jokes about my depression anymore? 

I gained a new disorder and that's bipolar disorder, and y'all want me to get it fix because you want to be the funny person now? Naaahh

I'm good.

Self therapy is all I need. 

It's working out midway then fails

That, my friend,bwill be the only time I know that I'll never be fixed on time....

Unless someone paint me gold, I'll be fixed

In a flash like a .... tortoise

I mean come on who needs therapy when you can be funny?(oh it rhymed)

No one? Just me? Okay 

*/Drops the mic/*

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