to whom it may concern

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As much as I know She's my friend but she doesn't know me....

Yes, I'm still in love with him and yes I still hope for us to get back together or whatever

Is it really needed to tell me what love really is?

I know what it is, I know what it means  but the problem is that does the other party know what it really means?

It's your opinion on what kind of love I feel, we have different opinions and it's always not the same

Yes I love hard, yes I go bonkers, yes I get obsessed

Yes, he is my first love, my first love

That is why I love him unconditionally regardless of everything he had done

But telling me that this isn't love anymore?

I know that

I know this is just obsession, infatuated... But I hardly care because deep inside of me, deep inside of this wretched broken heart of mine knows what she wants...

Yes that Dummy did something unforgivable, yes I did not deserve that, but only time will tell if these feelings for him goes stronger or weaker, it's not up to me to decide, it's not up to anyone to decide whether I stop loving the guy or not...

He was my first proper boyfriend in my entire life and I felt happiness and warmth and even acceptance

Yes, he changed and I don't know him anymore but I know something that inside of him, he's still Alive.... he's just too blind to notice my worth to the point he made a stupid decision, I have never beg nor cried till I hyperventilated and almost vomiting because of how hurt I am...

Yes he hurt me, yes he doesn't deserve me, yes I deserve much better, but what can I do when all I want is him and I'll never fall in love again because of fear of being left alone all over again, pain after pain, tears after tears.

Don't tell me what love means, don't explain to me what I feel, because no one knows how it is if they're not on my shoes..

I'm not perfect, no one's perfect, I've learned my lesson, history repeats itself but now it has a twist that I didn't expect to happen.

It's my fault, and it's his fault. It's both our fault. I loved hard and trusted him that he'll never do something stupid to end our relationship and it's his choice to cheat and lose me instead of being better for me.

Love works in different ways and it sometimes end in tragic or happy ending.....

(-w- I'm putting this on my Wattpad)
Well I decided what I want, not anyone, plus I would rather be a single rich aunt and die in my penthouse if I'm not going to marry anyone.

Don't decide everything so quickly. Listen to yourself in the future if you have fixed yourself, listen to what you want, not what you think you want.

Yes I'm going to wait for you but we will never know in the future if I'm still waiting or not.

My love for you never change.

Don't lose this opportunity, someone has loved you this much despite everything you did, she still chooses you and chooses to love you regardless and still picks you over everyone else, and still waits for you when you told her not to.

Why lose someone this genuine? If you think I deserve better, yes I do deserve better what am I going to do with a better man when all I want to be with is someone I have loved unconditionally, then be better for me, I don't care how many years or months or weeks or days for you to be fix, I'm still going to wait. Today, tomorrow, everyday, until my next life.

No one can stop me, only I can stop myself. No one knows me more than my own self understanding

Fix yourself, be better, and if you need or want me, I'm always here waiting for you, don't care how long, I'll wait

To Whom it May Concern...Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt